Around a week ago, a user named “DanBlather” started an interesting thread on the Straight Dope Message Board. The title of his thread was “I’m A Liberal, But…”, and in his post Dan talked about how, despite his “liberalism”, he was in favor of school vouchers and nuclear power, hated Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, and wholeheartedly supports a “national ID card” for boarding airplanes and proving eligibility to work in the US, etc.
Others jumped in the thread, and soon there were dozens of “I’m a Conservative, But…” or “I’m a Liberal, But…” posts. It made for fascinating reading. While I’ve known for years that most people are not “100% conservative” or “100% liberal”, it’s amazing to see how people deviate from their “core beliefs”, as well as why they do so.
For example, despite overall “liberal” opposition to the death penalty, it seems that most self-proclaimed liberals in that thread are in favor of the death penalty in instances where guilt is beyond doubt and the crime is especially heinous. In fact, I was surprised by the “screw ’em – hang ’em in the public square” attitude that most “liberals” in that thread displayed. And it was also surprising to see that many of the liberals in the thread were opposed to illegal immigration outright, while “conservatives” were in generally in favor of immigration through an amnesty or “guest worker” program.
In any case, I thought I’d add my own thoughts to the hive mind… so here goes:
“I’m a conservative, but…”
– I’m actually more of a libertarian. I was an active member of the Libertarian Party of Georgia in the 1990s, but I eventually came to the realization that the Libertarian Party is a bunch of “thinkers”, not “doers”. Libertarian Party meetings started to feel like a bunch of teenagers sitting around, smoking dope and talking about the “awesome band” they were going to form one day. Remember how the “awesome band” never saw the light of day, but the guys would still get together and talk about it once a week? Welcome to the Libertarian Party! So I decided that it would be better for me to hang out with the “libertarian wing” of the Republican Party than be a member of the LP itself.
– It makes me physically ill to see CEOs get nine-digit salaries while entry-level workers at their companies get “starvation wages”. Look, I’m all for a country where people can get rich. And I have no problem with CEOs making 5, 10, or even 20 million dollars a year. But when a CEO gets paid $90 million a year while entry-level tech support people make $8/hour, something’s just wrong. And don’t even get me started on “golden parachutes”; it’s obscene that a CEO could run Home Depot or Countrywide Financial into the ground and get $150 million to leave! Interestingly, I don’t want to increase taxes on “the rich”, nor do I want a special “CEO tax”. I just wish that society would demand a stop to this… immediately.
– I think the federal tax on gasoline (but not diesel) should be tripled, quadrupled, or even quintupled. While “tax breaks” and subsidies are all well and good, automakers simply won’t invest real money in major fuel efficiency or alternate fuels until American consumers demand it, and the easiest way to get that demand is for gas to be $8/gallon. Diesel gets an exception in my book because most of the 18-wheelers that move goods across the country run on diesel, as do most buses and municipal fleets.