Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-07-12

  • As of 2008, the United States government has $63.8 TRILLION in total obligations. Where in the hell are we going to get $63 trillion dol … #
  • Steve McNair died of a fatal gunshot wound… where's Ray Lewis? #
  • This MJ "wankfest" is sickening… plus, that giant pic of him on the screen is just creepy! #
  • Mooriah! #
  • Al Sharpton… really? #
  • OMG… La Roux rocks! #
  • @AveryHutchinson Try – it allows you to update your status on FB, Twitter, MySpace, and most other services. I use it ALL THE TIME #
  • @katyperry – OMG – Hawt! #
  • @AveryHutchinson See this also: #
  • @chipvanalstyne hahaha! GoogleOS E! You're funny, man! in reply to chipvanalstyne #
  • "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" – Goethe, from John Cusak's Twitter feed today #
  • Wow… just wow. #
  • Oi! What a Friday! #
  • Just testing #
  • Add Twitter to Outlook: #
  • @DanRyb Glad I could help! #

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Friday Fun: Queen Rania

Holy crap! For years I thought all the kings and queens of the world were ugly inbreds… but then I saw Queen Rania of Jordan!


Born on August 31, 1970, Rania al Yassin got a degree from American University in Cairo in 1991. She worked for Citibank and Apple Computer before marrying Abdullah bin Al-Hussein, King Of Jordan, on June 10, 1993. She has pushed for more rights for women and children in the Middle East, especially when it comes to updating schools and attempting to end the practice of honor killings. She’s also really into technology, having her own YouTube channel and Twitter page.

In 2005, Forbes magazine ranked her the 81st most powerful woman in the world, and in that same year Harpers & Queen magazine called her the third most beautiful woman in the world. I can’t say I’d argue there!

More pics after the jump!

Continue reading “Friday Fun: Queen Rania”

Free La Roux tracks!

La RouxLa Roux is a British electropop synth duo consisting of writer and producer Ben Langmaid and singer and synth player Elly Jackson (daughter of Trudie Goodwin, the actress who played “Sergeant June Ackland” on the illustrious and long-running British police drama The Bill).

After struggling for a time, La Roux have suddenly become one of the hottest bands in the UK; their last two singles, “In For The Kill” and “Bulletproof” hit #2 and #1 on the British charts respectively.

If you liked Blancmange, Human League, Yazoo or Heaven 17, you’ll love La Roux! And for a limited time (jeez – do I sound like a shill or what?) you can download two free tracks from their website!

Just go to their site and look for the “free download” link at the bottom of the page. You’ll need to sign up for their email newsletter to get the tracks; it’s probably best to use a throwaway address for this, but be aware that the link to the free tracks will be sent to that address. Also, I dunno if it matters, but when the signup form asked for my country, I put “United Kingdom” (I was worried about possible “sorry, you can’t download this” licensing issues).

Give La Roux a try… they’re one of the best new bands out there!

WTF? Picture of the Day

Boulineau’s is an IGA grocery store in Cherry Grove Beach, South Carolina. Because it’s in a popular tourist spot, the store goes the “extra mile” with a giant deli\hot foods section, a souvenir section… even a section for “beach stuff” like rafts, beach towels and sunscreen.

But the “regular” parts of the store go that “extra mile”, too. Here’s a pic of the meat case:


Yes, there’s a pair of sunglasses embedded in the ground pork. I think the store shapes the pork in the shape of a pig and puts the glasses on it, but it was kind of hard to tell that late in the day, as it had been picked over pretty well by the butchers.

Quote of the Day

“When we get good at doing it, it’s like death… It’s not like, ‘I can take a wrong step and recover because they’re coming off slow’. It’s like, ‘I thought he had the ball and is 15 yards downfield’.”

– Georgia Tech football coach
Paul Johnson, on his offense


According to this site, the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church said the following yesterday at the opening of  the General Convention:

The overarching connection in all of these crises has to do with the great Western heresy – that we can be saved as individuals, that any of use alone can be in right relationship with God. It’s caricatured in some quarters by insisting that salvation depends on reciting a specific verbal formula about Jesus. That individualist focus is a form of idolatry, for it puts me and my words in the place that only God can occupy, at the center of existence, as the ground of all being. That heresy is one reason for the theme of this Convention.

I’m stunned. I’m speechless. I just… don’t even have words to respond to this. I’ll let the comments from linked post speak for me:

Did I just hear the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church dismiss as heresy the confession of millions upon millions of Christ followers, from the Apostles to St. Augustine to the Wesleys to the GAFCON gathering of Anglicans last year to the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans in the Church of England meeting in the UK right now to the multitudes throughout our own Anglican Communion who are invited to make a personal confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior — and who do so daily, often at great personal cost, as their churches and provinces explode with growth in numbers and mission?

How is it that a Church which has done everything to remove “heresy” from its vocabulary can now so confidently proclaim that confessional Christianity is heresy?  How is it that a Church can dismiss the clear words of scripture (see e.g. Romans 10:9-10) as a mere “individualistic formula”?  What audacity and pride drives a leader of a church to ignore the wealth of an over 2,000 years of uninterrupted tradition that holds that a person must confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in order to be a Christian?

I just can’t join the ACNA fast enough, folks.

A Different Destination

I’ve been to Virginia several times, and in my travels I’ve visited many of the homes of our Founding Fathers. Washington’s Mount Vernon, Jefferson’s Monticello, and James Monroe’s Ash Lawn have all been lovingly restored to their original grandeur… so much so that the original inhabitants could walk through the front door today and not notice much of difference between their homes now and 200 years ago. Sadly, the same can’t be said for Montpelier, the home of James Madison, our fourth president and writer of much of the United States Constitution.


James Madison married Dolley Todd in September 15, 1794. Dolley was born Dolley Payne on May 20, 1768 and married a Philadelphia lawyer named John Todd, Jr. on January 7, 1790. The couple had two children, John Payne Todd (born 1792) and William Temple Todd (born 1793). Tragedy struck the family that same year, when an epidemic of yellow fever devastated Philadelphia. The entire Todd family was stricken with the disease, and although Dolley and John Payne survived, her husband, her youngest child, and her in-laws did not.

Continue reading “A Different Destination”

Dollar Tree funny

Lisa and recently stopped by our local Dollar Tree to pick up some stuff, and I couldn’t help but laugh at this poster:

Dollar Tree

Yes, because when my life is on the line, I want to stock up on questionable canned food from Nigeria, flashlights that may or may not work, batteries of dubious quality, first aid supplies from the lowest possible bidder, and tape that strains to hold two pieces of paper together, much less anything else!