Life on Mars is cancelled…

ABC is giving fans of “Life on Mars” some closure.

The network has told producers that it won’t be ordering any additional episodes beyond the 17 currently in the works for this season. But rather than play the usual “Let’s-wait-until-May-before-we-make-a-decision” game regarding the fate of “Mars,” ABC brass have admitted to producers that they won’t be ordering another season of the show.

That means that, rather than letting “Mars” drift away with no resolution, producers will be able to write and film a definitive ending to the saga. Production is expected to continue for at least a few more weeks, with the finale expected to air no later than early April.

via ABC Gives ‘Life on Mars’ a Finale – TVWeek – News.

Paul Harvey dies at age of 90

CHICAGO – Paul Harvey, the news commentator and talk-radio pioneer whose staccato style made him one of the nation’s most familiar voices, died Saturday in Arizona, according to ABC Radio Networks. He was 90.

Harvey died surrounded by family at a hospital in Phoenix, where he had a winter home, said Louis Adams, a spokesman for ABC Radio Networks, where Harvey worked for more than 50 years. No cause of death was immediately available.

via Broadcasting pioneer Paul Harvey dies at age of 90.

R.I.P. Randy Bewley

Randy Bewley, one of the founding members of the Athens, GA based band Pylon, has passed away from a heart attack. He was 53.

Bewley died around 5 p.m. on Wednesday at Athens Regional Medical Center. He flipped his van on Barber Street early Monday night; Bewley’s heart attack was the apparent cause of the crash.

In a statement to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, R.E.M. frontman Michael Stipe said that “[w]e are so very saddened to hear the news of Randy’s passing. Pylon have always been an inspired catalyst to R.E.M. and the Athens music and art scene, and beyond.”

EDIT: Full story\obit here.

Meet the Pizza Cone


A group of investors and Italian inventors have handpicked a long-time Indianapolis bakery to help bring to the U.S. a newfangled food called Pizza Cone.

Pizza Cone is exactly what it sounds like: A cone made of pizza dough stuffed with ingredients like cheese, pepperoni and pizza sauce and then eaten on the go like an ice cream cone.

Taylor’s Bakery, founded in 1913, has signed an agreement with Hilton Head, S.C.-based Pino Gelato to be the sole producer of the cone for all of North America.

via Our prayers have been answered: Meet the Pizza Cone | Blog of Hilarity.

Free Dinner on Kashi!

For a limited time, U.S. residents can get a free frozen entree from Kashi!

All you’ve gotta do is go to and click the “get a free frozen entree coupon” link in the middle of the page.  Just fill out the form and wait “four to six weeks” for your coupon to arrive. The coupon will allow you to get one Kaski entree – Sweet & Sour Chicken, Southwest Style Chicken, Black Bean Mango, Chicken Pasta Pomodoro, Lemon Rosemary Chicken, Lime Cilantro Shrimp, Lemongrass Coconut Chicken, Tuscan Veggie Bake, Mayan Harvest Bake, and more – absolutely free.

A word of warning: Kashi’s site seems to collapse every time a TV commerical runs for this offer during prime time. For best results, trying signing up in the “off hours”.

Mystery object crashes through roof

DALLAS – Police say an unidentified falling object dropped out of the sky with enough velocity to tear a hole through the roof and the second floor of a Dallas home. Senior Cpl. Kevin Janse said Wednesday the six-pound piece of metal with two drill holes in it fell Tuesday evening when the person who reported the incident wasn’t home. Janse said there were no injuries.

Officers couldn’t determine the source of the debris. Janse said radioactive tests on the metal were negative. Several state agencies were notified of the incident, but Janse said none offered a theory about what happened.

via Police: Mystery object tears through Dallas roof.

NY Post drops Liz

Sad news from New York:

NEW YORK – The New York Post is dropping Liz Smith’s column this week to save money, leaving the legendary gossip columnist without a newspaper home in the city for the first time in 33 years. “I’m very sorry that that has come to an end, and that I wasn’t valuable enough for them to keep me on,” the 86-year-old Smith said Tuesday.

via NY Post drops legendary gossip columnist Liz Smith.

SONGS I LOVE: “Method of Modern Love”

Method of Modern LoveSaint Etienne’s new single is out… and it’s awesome!

In fact, I daresay that it’s the best thing they’ve put out in years! Produced by the always-reliable Richard X, this is one of the best dance-pop songs I’ve heard in a looonnnngg time.

Just one listen is all it’ll take – and it’ll be in your head for hours. As the lyrics say “One touch is not enough\When you start, you can’t stop\That’s the method of modern love”

Go ahead, have a listen… you know you want to!
