Archiving Files Efficiently

Have you ever needed to archive a bunch of files to CD or DVD and not cared about the order of the files, only archiving them as efficiently as possible?

Last weekend I finally decided to archive around 43GB worth of video files to DVD-R discs. In a perfect world, I would have been able to organize my files, keeping all of my episodes of The Office or My Name Is Earl together on the same disc. However, the real world just doesn’t work that way. I don’t have enough hard drive space to keep entire seasons of my favorite shows prior to burning, so the 43GB worth of files was a hodgepodge of five episodes of this and six episodes of that. And with video files being so large (175MB for a half-hour show to 700MB for a one-hour British show), it’s nearly impossible to keep them together on one disc. One season of a British show like Life On Mars is simply too big for one disc, and while five or six episodes of My Name Is Earl will easily fit on a CD-R, it’d be a waste of a DVD-R disc to burn 650MB to a 4700MB DVD. The best one can hope for if you try to figure out which files could be burned to which disc is a loose organization of your files; at worst, one gets a huge headache trying to figure it all out.

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Toaster for WinAMP!

There aren’t a lot of media players for Windows that can read album art embedded in an ID3 tag. Windows Media Player is one, but I’d rather pull my fingernails out with a pair of rusty pliers than use WMP for listening to music. WinAMP has several plug-ins that deal with album art, but many of them simply read the FOLDER.JPG file you keep in the same folder as the MP3s. I don’t organize my MP3s this way, but even if I did, it wouldn’t help me see the album art on my two portable players (an Archos AV-420 and TCPMP on Windows Smartphone)… both of those read the album art via tags in the files themselves, not a JPG in a folder. But then I found Toaster for WinAMP! It not only displays the album art, it uses a UI that looks just like Windows native messaging display to do so:

Is that cool lookin’ or what? Toaster not only displays the art based on ID3 tag *or* folder.jpg file, it can also display the information in MSN Messenger, so you can annoy your chatmates with what you’re listening to as well!

Download Toaster for WinAMP for free here.

Disabling “Open With… Web Service”

When you double-click on an unknown file type in a default installation of Windows XP, you are presented with two choices for what to do next: select a program from a list of programs installed on your PC *or* use the Microsoft Web Service to figure out which program will open the file. Since I’ve never known anyone, anywhere at any time to use the stupid “Web Service” lookup thingy, this makes Windows’ default behavior pretty annoying, as it adds an extra step in the file-opening process. Luckily, it’s really fast and easy to disable the Web Service prompt:

1) Click on Start > Run. Type regedit into the Run: box and click OK.

2) Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies > System.

3) Right-click in the right pane and select New > DWORD value.

4) Name the new DWORD value NoInternetOpenWith and set its value to 1.

5) Close Regedit. No reboot is necessary!

Microsoft Licensing In A Nutshell

One of the greatest mysteries in life isn’t if we go to heaven when we die or even if the light in the fridge goes out when you close the door… it’s the mystery of Microsoft licensing, something that’s confounded even the experts for years. I’ve fielded questions in this subject area for so long that one has to wonder why I haven’t added this to the “Geek Stuff” page before…

Most people know that when you buy a copy of Windows XP, you’re not really paying for the CD and the manual. You’re actually paying for a license to use the software. That license is sold in many different ways, and it can be incredibly complicated to makes heads or tails of the mess Microsoft has created with their licensing schemes. So let me break it down for you in plain English:

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Obscure Windows Shortcuts!

Ahhhhh… keyboard shortcuts, how I love thee! It’s almost always faster to use the keyboard to accomplish something than using a mouse. But while most people are familiar with basic shortcuts like CTRL+C (copy) and CTRL+V (paste), there’s an entire galaxy of lesser known ones out there that you could be using every day. Did you know about CTRL+X (cut)? How about CTRL+Z (undo)? How about CTRL+Y (redo)? Did you know that you can press F2 to rename a file? Well, even if you know all of those, I’m sure that there are a few in this list that you’ve never heard of:

Tab completion – In Windows XP, you can use the tab key as an “auto-complete” at a command-line. For example, you might have several folders in your Program Files directory with “Microsoft” in the name. To quickly change to one of those folders, you can type CD M and press the TAB key to cycle through all the folders that begin with an “M”. WHAT YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW: this also works in the “Run:” box as well. SOMETHING ELSE YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW: this feature is enabled by default in XP; you can enable it in Windows 2000 by opening RegEdit (click Start > Run > regedit > OK) and changing the value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\Command Processor\CompletionChar to 9.

Built-in Hotkeys – The Windows interface has a built-in hotkeys feature that few (if any) use, although it’s super-duper nifty. If you go to the shortcut properties of any desktop or Start Menu shortcut (right-click > properties > shortcut), you’ll see a box that says “shortcut key” between the boxes that say “Start In:” and “Run”. Simply type a keystroke combination (I use CTRL+SHIFT+O for Outlook and CTRL+SHIFT+F for Firefox) and save your changes. From now on, you can open the program using the keystroke combo you saved!

Continue reading “Obscure Windows Shortcuts!”

Saving Multiple Attachments in Outlook

Saving a single email attachment is pretty easy: you just open the email, right-click on the attachment, select “Save”, pick a location for the file and then click OK. However, this process can be quite tedious when one has an entire folder full of attachments, which might happen if you’re part of an HR department that gets hundreds of résumés via email a day.

I ran into this problem myself just the other day – I subscribed to a new podcast using NewsGator, which integrates RSS feeds and podcasts into Outlook. Because I had never downloaded anything from this particular podcast site before, NewsGator downloaded all of the show’s previous episodes… so I suddenly had 20 emails in a folder, each with a 12-20MB MP3 attached to it. I just wasn’t in the mood to save them manually, so I went on the web to see if I could find help.

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Archiving Data

Twice in the past month people have asked me what the “best format” is for permanently archiving data that they want to keep forever, like family photos and tax records. Sadly, the short answer to that question is that there isn’t a “best format”. Technology keeps changing, and there’s absolutely no way to predict which current technologies (if any) will still be around in the next 50 or 100 years. Things can change an awful lot even in 20 years: somewhere in storage I have a box of 5.25″ floppy disks from my old Apple II+. If I suddenly had a desire to see what’s on those disks, I’d have my work cut out for me: while it’s certainly not impossible to find a 5.25″ floppy drive these days, it’s not a trivial matter, either. And 10 years from now, I reckon it’d be near impossible.

There are dozens of different ways to store data, and each one has their pluses and minuses. Magnetic media (like hard drives, tapes and proprietary disks like Zip disks) can often store huge amounts of data; however, magnetic media are also susceptible to damage from environmental issues (moisture, heat, shock, magnetic fields) and are also the most mechanically complex of the various backup types (and thus, prone to failure). The various types of “flash memory” like USB drives, Compact Flash (CF) and Secure Digital (SD) cards are renowned for being robust – indeed, the Internet abounds with stories of CF cards being run over by cars or washed in a jeans pocket and surviving. However, until only recently flash media had somewhat limited capacity, and flash still suffers from limited write-cycles and the unknown of future support.

So this leaves optical media like CD-R and DVD-R discs. Commercial CD and DVD discs (the ones you buy from Sony Music or Microsoft) are “pressed” much like vinyl records. A “master” is made containing the various “pits” on the disc (much like a record’s grooves) and thousands of copies are “stamped” from that master. CD-R and DVD-R technologies work by using a layer of dye which is heated by a laser to mimic those pits. It works well, but there are certainly some things you can do to make sure that your CD-R or DVD-R discs last as long as possible:

Continue reading “Archiving Data”

FrontPage, Internet Explorer, IFRAME and Scroll Bars

During my website’s last redesign (well, not the last redesign, that was to convert it to WordPress), there was one thing I *really* wanted to fix: the “Latest News” section of the home page. Previously, that section was basic text typed into a cell in a table in FrontPage. The problem with doing it that way was that a couple of lengthy news posts would make that section huge, possibly longer that some visitors would read. I wanted to use an inline frame instead, so that way there would be scroll bars on the side. This way I could keep lengthy news posts on the home page for as long as I wanted, yet the fixed size of the frame meant that the rest of the home page – the Rant, the Useless Fact, etc. – would always appear in the same place.

The only problem with using an IFRAME is that Internet Explorer always puts a horizontal scroll bar across the bottom of the frame. This is not only ugly, but useless as well, as the text will wrap regardless of the size of the browser window (for what it’s worth, Firefox renders the page “correctly”). Now the only options available in FrontPage for the frame were to ALWAYS show the scroll bars, NEVER show the scroll bars and to only show them AS NEEDED. I had it set for AS NEEDED, but IE still put that $@^! scroll bar across the bottom, and FrontPage doesn’t offer the option of controlling the individual scroll bar behavior.

So I went online in search of answers. I found many, most of which were CSS or HTML hacks. Neither option was what I needed and most of the HTML tricks simply didn’t work. So I tried to find a solution on my own – and I did! If you use FrontPage and have the same problem, try this: put the contents of your frame’s HTML page into a table and make sure that table has a smaller maximum size than the target table\page. The table on my home page which contains my “Latest News” section is set to 100% of the browser window size. I set the new table be 98% of the size of the browser window – and that !$@(*# horizontal scroll bar no longer appears in IE *or* Firefox.

Copying a Spreadsheet as an Image

Have you ever wanted or needed to copy a spreadsheet (or part of a spreadsheet) as an image? Maybe you used Excel to input a bunch of data and created some spiffy graph that you’d like to export as an image file to a Word document. Using one very easy – but almost universally unknown – trick, you can do this. Just open the spreadsheet in question and navigate to the worksheet you’d like to copy (NOTE: if you only want to copy a portion of the data, make sure the cells in question are highlighted). Then hold down the SHIFT key and click Edit > Copy Picture. A small box will then appear asking if you want the data copied either as it would appear on the screen or as it would appear when printed. Pick your poison. Then use image manipulation software like Photoshop or MS Paint (included free on every computer running Windows) to paste the new image. You can also paste the image directly into Word or whatever program you’d like.

Cool Remote Desktop Shortcut

Remote Desktop is a fancy new word for “Terminal Services”. It’s a cool way for systems administrators (or sons and\or boyfriends) to troubleshoot any computer running Windows XP Professional from any other computer in the world. It’s also a cool way of using one keyboard and mouse to control several computers, or for the IT guy to do routine server administration from his desk two floors down from the server room. But there’s one annoying behavior of Remote Desktop that a lot of us geeks don’t like: once someone has logged on to a computer with Remote Desktop, that computer’s console session (the session displayed on the monitor) is locked until the someone physically walks up to that computer and unlocks it. This is more of a personal annoyance than a problem, but let me give you a scenario when this might actually hamper the usefulness of remote administration.

Let’s imagine that a company has several monitors embedded in the wall of the receptionist area of their office. These monitors are connected to several older PCs that continuously run Powerpoint presentations that show pictures of the company’s products and welcome messages for visiting clients. If the company wants to change or update the Powerpoint presentation, the IT guy normally has to walk to the closet wherever these PCs are located and manually copy the new PPT file to the PCs and restart Powerpoint. He or she could do this from their desk using Remote Desktop, but unfortunately since Remote Desktop locks the console session, the IT guy will still have to walk to the closet and manually press CTRL+ALT+DEL to unlock the computers… unless you follow this trick:

Right-click on any empty area of the desktop and select New > Shortcut. In the “location” box, enter (or paste) this text:

%windir%\System32\tscon.exe 0 /dest:console

Click “Next”, then give the new shortcut a name and click “Finish”. Once this has been done, you can copy the shortcut to any PC you’d like. To have XP end the Remote Desktop session and immediately return to the console session, simply click the new shortcut you made to end the remote session.