Saturday News Dump

Here are a couple of quick stories from the UK I meant to post earlier this week:

– A pedophile in North Yorkshire was caught… after burglars broke into his house and stole his laptop! Once back at their “hideout”, they booted up the computer and  found child pornography on it. They then hid the laptop in a public location and called the police. It’s nice to know that even thieves have consciences, right? Read more here.

– Anyone familiar with marijuana culture probably knows about “herbal highs”, which are herbs and plants sold as “legal highs” in head shops across the US and UK. Years ago, such “herbal high” products contained real (but very weak) herbs that could, in fact, give you an ever so slight “high”… as “high” as one could get off rabbit tobacco. Over the years, the makers of these products have stepped up their game, and have figured out ways to make these “legal highs” more potent. Unfortunately this includes spraying the herbs with unknown and unregulated substances which often cause paranoia and panic attacks in users. This effectively makes them more dangerous than marijuana, the illegal drug they were attempting to mimic. So now there’s a plan to ban these substances in the UK… which leads to an amusing situation where production might go underground… and people will have to buy the stuff from the same drug dealers they thought they were bypassing by buying the once-legal herbs!

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