First of all, can I just say how completely gobsmacked I am by how many people emailed or commented on MySpace to Lisa or myself, sending “get well” wishes for lil’ Ollie! Seriously! It almost makes me get a lump in my throat… people really do care about this poor lil’ stray kitty!
I took the following picture Friday evening:

As you can see, it’s healing nicely. Most importantly, Ollie is back to being his “spunky monkey” self. His poor mother is trying so badly to wean him, but he just keeps “chasing that titty”… all the time! And he’ll jump over Mom, run downstairs to cut her off… anything to nurse just a couple of times more. Here’s what Lisa saw when she came home today:

I was already out there taking pics for the “Love Garden 2008” article (coming soon – Ed.), and I just happened to catch Cindy looking at Lisa about to walk through the door!
So again… THANK YOU for all your concern about the lil’ guy. He’s healing quite nicely!