There, I said it: I love Katy Perry. Although it might come as a disappointment to my fans and friends, it probably doesn’t come as much of a surprise. Katy is cute and sassy. She has her own “kooky” style that reminds me of the girls that worked at Junkman’s Daughter in the 80s (or maybe Zooey Dechanel). She easily wins the “Nicest Rack In Pop Music Since Jewel” award, and (most importantly), she’s brought back good old fashioned, God-fearin’ pop music. Seriously. I challenge anyone to listen to “Hot ‘N Cold” and not think it’s the most infectious piece of pop music since Chumbawumba’s “Tubthumping” (and it’s far less annoying, too!). I even like the “Hot ‘N Cold” music video, something I haven’t been able to say about a song for ten years!
Oh, did I mention that she’s cute?

Dude, stop apologizing. She’s fuckin’ fly, man. Her music is totally fun. There’s no reason NOT to dig on her. Any guy (or even girl, for that matter) who won’t ‘fess up to wanting to buy her a drink and feel her up is just lying.