Those Crazy Italians!

Ever wonder why Italian-Americans pronounce mozzarella as “muzzarell”, prosciutto as “pro-SHOOT”, calzones as “cal-ZONEs” and pasta e fagioli as “pasta fasul”?

It seems that the “official” Italian dialect comes from Florence, where people do, in fact, pronounce prosciutto as “pro-SHOOT-toe” and pasta e fagioli as “PAH-stah eh faj-YOH-lee”. However, most of the Italians that migrated to the United States came from southern Italy, where the alternate pronounciations you often hear in The Sopranos and Martin Scorsese films are common.

This article from the New York Times is really worth the read and will further clear up the mystery.

Steal Microsoft Office!

A while back, Microsoft offered “The Ultimate Steal” – a fully copy of Office 2007 Ultimate (retail price $680) to college students for the low, low price of $59.99. With the fall semester right around the corner, Microsoft has brought the deal back: just click here to get the full details. All you need to get the downloadable software is an email address with an .edu extension and a credit card.

If you’ve already graduated from college, don’t fret: most college alumni associations offer their alums a free .edu address if requested. Check out your alumni assocaition’s website for more details. Once you get your alumni .edu address, head back to Microsoft’s site to order the software.

Georgia Tech Scores!

The latest US News and World Report college rankings are out, and Georgia Tech is once again at or near the top in most engineering fields. Here’s how the school ranks in the various disciplines:

Aerospace Engineering: #2
Biomedical Engineering: #3
Civil Engineering: #5
Computer Engineering: #6
Electrical Engineering: #5
Environmental Engineering: #6
Industrial Engineering: #1
Materials Engineering: #9
Mechanical Engineering: #4
Overall Best Undergraduate Engineering Program: #5

And just for kicks – and you knew this was coming… Georgia Tech ranks as the #35 school overall in the rankings… while that damn farm school in Athens keeps piling on the weak sauce at #58. I guess the UGA student body is just too tired from slopping the hogs to hit the books!

Two Last Things…

Two last stories to round out the week:

Someone hacked in to RedHat and stole the digital keys the company used to sign their distributions. Oooops! This is a colossal fuck-up of the highest order for a major OS company. It may not mean much to you, but my jaw hit the floor when I read the linked story. Even though I don’t use Linux, it’s still absolutely shocking.

In other news, Swingtown might be headed to cable. It seems that CBS executives really like the show, but just can’t keep it on the Tiffany Network with the ratings it gets. So they’re trying hard to sell it to a cable network. The show was originally supposed to air on Showtime, but was later hacked to fit broadcast TV standards on CBS. Keep your fingers crossed, folks! It’s not without problems, but Swingtown has really grown on me this summer. It’s a good show that deserves to live.

The Last Personal Army

When the Roman Empire collapsed in AD 476, Europe was shattered into thousands of tiny kingdoms. Over time, these tiny kingdoms grew, either by merging through marriage or by conquest. And thus, by the 10th century, the feudal system was in place all over the continent.

Under this system, a lord (or king) had absolute control over a span of territory that ranged in size from a few square miles to several hundred square miles. Underneath the lord were the clergy and knights, who protected the lord both spiritually and physically. Underneath them came the merchants. Underneath the merchants were skilled laborers, like blacksmiths and coopers. And underneath the skilled laborers were the unskilled laborers, or serfs, who farmed the lord’s land.

It might initially seem that the feudal system was a one-way hierarchy. After all, the serfs could not move (or even travel, in most cases) without their lord’s permission. They grew crops on the lord’s land, and were required to give him a large portion of their harvest to pay rent. But the feudal system had a paternal side, too. The lord was expected to treat the serfs fairly, and to use his knights to protect them from invading armies or bandits.

In time, these small societies grew in size, as one small kingdom was conquered and absorbed into another, or as marriage created associations between such kingdoms. Eventually, these small kingdoms would grow into the modern countries of England and France (and eventually Germany and Italy, although those two countries wouldn’t be fully formed until the 19th century).

Here’s the interesting thing, though: from around AD 900 until the American Civil War, most armies were based on that feudal system. Instead of a “national army” made up of “English” soldiers, most armies were made up of thousands of individual regiments formed by dukes, earls, and other forms of nobility. As soon as a king knew that an invasion was coming, he’d put out a call to his aristocracy, who would organize their own knights and take them wherever the king wanted them. Although the soldiers were certainly loyal to their king, they generally only took orders from their local lord.

Although this system would break down over time (especially by the time of Napoleon, the founder of the first “modern army”), traces of it nevertheless persisted until the US Civil War, when Irish immigrants were allowed to create their own regiments for the Union army. So instead of “Lord Fluffernutter’s Essex Cavalry” you had “O’Connor’s 96th Irish Infantry”. So… slightly different, yet the same.

Here’s what’s really interesting, though. There is still one such “feudal army” in Europe: the Atholl Highlanders.

Continue reading “The Last Personal Army”

Looker is real!

In the 1981 film Looker, Albert Finney plays a Hollywood plastic surgeon. He becomes troubled when four beautiful young models come in to his office and demand tiny, almost imperceptible changes to their looks. When the models start turning up dead, Finney investigates further, and finds out that they were all linked to a market research firm called Digital Matrix. As it turns out, Digital Matrix has developed a technology that scans the girls and makes perfect digital copies of them that can be used in commercials and movies. The models are initially all for it, thinking that they can get a paycheck for doing nothing once they’re scanned. Digital Matrix, however, has figured out that the models need not exist at all once they’re scanned. So Digital Matrix just kills them and keeps them money for itself.

Looker was a neat sci-fi film in its day. It didn’t have aliens, starships or guys in glorified gorilla costumes. The plot seemed almost feasible at the time. Of course, computers in 1981 weren’t nearly powerful enough to pull off lifelike 3-D modeling. But computers today are. Behold:

This is a computer generated version of actress Emily O’Brien created by facial animation studio Image Metrics. And here’s a video of the CG O’Brien talking about her creation:

It’s not completely lifelike yet… but man, is it ever close!

Selling Out For Fast Food

Tremayne Durham is a 33 year-old man from Brooklyn. Back in 2006, Durham ordered an $18,000 ice cream truck from a company in Oregon. Shortly thereafter, however, Durham changed his mind and demanded his money back. The company refused, and so Durham drove all the way across the country to confront them. When he arrived, he started looking for the owner, but, not finding him, Durham ended up shooting and killing Adam Calbreath, a former employee of the company who just happened to have stopped by that day.

It’s an unremarkable (if tragic) story so far, right? But here’s where it gets weird: Durham quickly grew tired of jail food, and so he agreed to plead guilty to murder in exchange for a bucket of KFC chicken, a bucket of Popeye’s chicken, a serving of mashed potatoes, a serving of coleslaw, a slice of carrot cake, a pizza, two calzones, a tray of lasagna and a bucket of ice cream.

The total cost to the taxpayers of Multnomah County, Oregon: $41.70.

The judge and DA agreed to Durham’s odd demand because the fast food feast was far cheaper than a jury trial and any appeals Durham might have filed.

And just for the record, his feast was served on two separate occasions. When the DA initially agreed to the deal, Durham was given the chicken, potatoes, slaw and cake. After he was sentenced, he got the other half of the food, the lasagna, calzones and ice cream.

Read all about it here.

The Boot Stamping Continues…

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.

– George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

You might remember this post from a couple of weeks ago, where I railed against the Department of Homeland Security’s new policy that allows them to seize laptops, iPods, and other electronic devices from anyone entering the United States. You don’t have to be a “filthy foreigner”, a suspect in a crime, or even on the incredibly accurate “no-fly” list. You just have to piss off the wrong DHS agent on the wrong day.

Now there’s word that the federal government is tracking the border crossings of US citizens. Oh, they promise that they won’t do any mining of the data… and you believe that, right? Customs and Border Protection even says that they’ll keep the information in their database… for 15 years! And this is data which the DHS readily admits that it will share with other federal agencies, as well as state and local governments.

The saddest thing about all this (to me) is that this is the same federal government that has for years refused to defend the borders of the United States, a task which is one of the basic jobs of any national government. Almost every single right-wing commentator on TV and radio has demanded only that the government simply enforce existing immigration laws. Despite this, the government has turned a blind eye to the millions of Mexicans coming into this country, while it (now) steadily takes away the fundamental freedoms of Americans. So it seems that any terrorist could simply enter Mexico and cross the border scot-free at almost any point… but an American returning from any foreign country now gets their name in a database for 15 years. Yeah, because that make sense!

Again, let me ask: when is the Second American Revolution coming?

Veronica Mars: The Movie?

Fans of the late, great Veronica Mars… prepare to pee in your pants!

Word on the Intarwebs is that series creator Rob Thomas and Kristin Bell got together last week for some “serious discussions” about bringing our favorite teenage supersleuth to the silver screen. Word on the street – and this is very preliminary – says that the movie might be based on the “Veronica Joins the FBI” trailer\teaser that Thomas put together for the folks at The CW for a 4th season of the show… which, of course, never happened. The teaser is available on the Season 3 DVD set. You can also watch part 1 of the “FBI Trailer” on YouTube here; watch part 2 here.

Could it really happen? Let’s hope so! If crap shows like The Dukes of Hazzard can get made into movies, why not a show that Buffy creator Joss Whedon called “The. Best. Show. Ever. Seriously, I’ve never gotten more wrapped up in a show I wasn’t making, and maybe even more than those… These guys know what they’re doing on a level that intimidates me”. Kevin Smith (of Clerks fame) said that “Veronica Mars is, hands-down, the best show on television right now, and proof that TV can be far better than cinema. Some of the best TV ever produced”. Stephen King called it “Nancy Drew meets Philip Marlowe, and the result is pure nitro. Why is Veronica Mars so good? It bears little resemblance to life as I know it, but I can’t take my eyes off the damn thing.” And comic book legend Ed Brubaker called it “The best mystery show ever made in America.”


ADV Parishes Win Again!

From the Anglican District of Virginia’s site:

The 11 Virginia Anglican congregations sued by The Episcopal Church (TEC) and the Diocese of Virginia responded to the Fairfax County Circuit Court ruling issued today concerning the Contracts Clause and the assertion by [The Episcopal Church] and the Diocese that the 11 Anglican congregations waived their right to invoke the Virginia Division Statute.

Judge Randy Bellows ruled that TEC and the Diocese failed to timely assert their claim that the 11 Anglican congregations contracted around or waived their right to invoke the Division Statute. In addition, the judged ruled that the Division Statute does not violate the contracts clause provisions of the U.S. and Virginia Constitutions as applied to these properties. The rulings can be found at Today’s rulings mean that there are only a small number of issues remaining to be decided at the October trial, and the 11 Anglican congregations are hopeful that they can be resolved quickly.

And from Stand Firm:

Contracts Clause Opinion – The judge rules that the Division Statute 57-9 does not violate the contracts clause provisions of the U.S. and Virginia Constitutions.

Waver Opinion – Judge rules that TEC/DioVA failed to assert in a timely manner their claim that the CANA Congregations contracted around or waived their right to invoke the Virginia Div. statute.

This opinion denies TEC/DioVA their earlier answers to questions regarding 57-9 (they wanted to change their strategy now that they’ve lost on all the rulings so far; that change of strategy was denied). The judge also orders the counsel into court this Friday to discuss the scope of the October trial.

So… TEC\DioVA are what… 0-12 on this case so far? How much money is TEC going to waste on this instead of concentrating on the “issues” like world poverty that KJS and her jackbotts whined so much about at Lambeth?