Liberal Crybabies

So there was a story in the local news this week about some anti-Obama posters that were put up around the town of China Grove. One lady was so “shocked” and “offended” that she started taking the posters down:

“I almost cried when I got back in the car knowing that it’s 2009 and people in the community put signs up like that. This is wrong, this is the President of the United States.”

The woman said she believed the flyers, some of which include the words “Fascism” and “Socialism,” are also racist.

And it’s not just in China Grove. All over the Internet, liberals are whining about how President Obama isn’t getting “respect” and the “honor” due the President of the  United States (seriously, do a Google News search… the number of “why are they making fun of Obama?” posts is growing by leaps and bounds).

To this, I’ll ask: where the hell have you people been for the past eight years? Are you guys shitting me? Am I missing something here?

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but as I understand it, the people that used to carry these signs:




Are now offended by this sign?


Come now… you people can’t be serious! You don’t see anything the least bit hypocritical about this, hmmmm? Not even just a teeny bit?

Look people, I was no fan of GWB. In fact, had I been offered a “Not Al Gore” or “Not John Kerry” option in the voting booth I would have checked that box instead. But you didn’t hear me whining about all the “Bush is Hitler” posters and bumper stickers of the past eight years. And that’s because demonizing your opponent is at least as old as the Romans, and almost surely the Greeks before them. I promise you that somewhere in Italy you can find an ancient Roman ruin with “Ceasar is a goatfucker” chiseled on the side. And with the rise of the printing press, mass-produced political cartoons came about, and they’ve always been nasty, at least all the way back to Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 (to say nothing of similar “cartoons” from ancient Egypt).

The point is, it’s at the very least disingenuous for people that had “End of an Error” bumper stickers on their car, “01-20-09” countdown timers on their blogs, and\or “W is for Worst” t-shirts to start complaining when the opposition does the same thing to your guy. You are more grown up than that, aren’t you?

One Reply to “Liberal Crybabies”

  1. Coudnt agree with you more ! Political violence is as inferior as street violence. Israel paid the price of such beheviour with Rabin’s death. It should be seriously stopped.

    Best Regards
    Avi, Israel

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