Marketing Fail?

Back in 2008, candy giant Hershey changed the formulas of many of its “second tier” candies like Mr Goodbar. Today’s Mr Goodbar is no longer “peanuts in milk chocolate”, but instead “peanuts in chocolate candy” (which is actually “mockolate“, a confection made with cocoa solids but no cocoa butter, substituting instead much cheaper vegetable oil).

The new bars taste like crap, of course. However, like all good marketing wonks, Hershey’s PR people are falling all over themselves to tell anyone who will listen that people actually prefer the new, non-chocolate version of Mr Goodbar. If that’s the case… then why does this new product exist:


There it is… yet another sign that the end of the world is coming!

See if you can follow this: Hershey decided that using milk chocolate to make Mr Goodbar was too expensive, so they opted to change the Mr Goodbar formula to use mokolate instead of chocolate. Hershey’s PR reps claimed victory… but “so many people loved the new Mr Goodbar” (sarcasm) that now the company is using the Hershey brand to sell a new product that amounts to the old product… instead of just going back to the old Mr Goodbar formula in the the first place!

In case anyone from Hershey is reading this, it’s stuff like this (not to mention your complete embrace of mokolate) that keep me an M&M Mars fan. As a kid, I ate enough Hershey bars to sink a battleship… but now I’d rather eat a 10 year-old Milky Way bar than anything from Hershey!

NC House considers medical marijuana

You really think anything will come of this in BillyGrahamland?

RALEIGH, N.C. — Proponents of legalizing marijuana use to relieve pain and suffering in some patients are getting a day at the North Carolina Legislature to speak out.

The House Health Committee scheduled a committee meeting Thursday to discuss a bill that would allow people with debilitating medical conditions to possess an adequate supply of the drug and not be prosecuted.

Hmmmm.. maybe if they moved the capital to Asheville…

via NC House panel to consider medical marijuana bill | | Local News for Charlotte, North Carolina | Local News.

Celebrities on Twitter

So I signed up for Twitter a couple of months ago, mostly just to give you readers one more way to stay in touch with me. I installed a WordPress plugin called Twitter Tools that automagically adds a tweet any time a new post is added here, so people using iPhones or Blackberries with Twitter apps will be able to use it like an RSS feed.

Other than that, though, I don’t personally use Twitter all that much. I use to add tweets and to update my statuses on Facebook and MySpace… and I also satisfy my voyeur impulses by occasionally checking out what celebrities are up to on Twitter.

As you might know, dozens of celebrities use Twitter, and almost anyone can add them to their “Twitter contact list” (or “follow them”, in Tweetspeak).

Some celebrities, like Al Gore, use Twitter mainly to disseminate information; most of his posts simply say “read this article” or “watch this video”. Other celebs, like Richard Branson, user Twitter as a marketing tool (typical tweet: “get 50% off fares to Miami this week on Virgin Atlantic!”). Other celebs – like Lost and Fringe creator JJ Abrams – set up accounts ages ago and never seem to update them. Still others, like Britney Spears, farm out tweeting to assistants, and it’s blatantly obvious that it’s not the actual celebrity doing the tweeting there.

Below is a list of the celebrities I follow on Twitter. In most cases, these are the actual celebrities themselves (and not assistants). They’re also people that post interesting stuff (unlike, say, Al Gore, whose feed is not much more than a link farm, really):

Jamie Oliver – British celebrity chef.

Dexter Fletcher – British actor, best known as “Soap” in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, but also Hotel Babylon and Band of Brothers.

Sarah Silverman – Comedienne and actress.

Mindy Kaling – Writer, producer and actress (“Kelly Kapur”) from The Office.

Rainn Wilson – “Dwight Schrute” from The Office.

Stephen Fry – English actor, writer, comedian, author, television personality and film director.

Continue reading “Celebrities on Twitter”

Bill Targets Bandwidth Caps

Good news from the broadband front:

Proposed legislation would require large broadband providers to submit volume usage pricing schemes to the Federal Trade Commission for approval. If the FTC determines a pricing plan is imposing rates, terms, and conditions that are unreasonable or discriminatory the agency would be given authority to can the plan.

Prompted by the grassroots support for his opposition to Time Warner’s proposed broadband cap plan pricing scheme, U.S. Rep. Eric Massa introduced June 17 the Broadband Internet Fairness Act (H.R. 2902) to require the phone and cable companies to disclose their pricing plans to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission).

Continue reading “Bill Targets Bandwidth Caps”

Random Consumer News

I’ve been letting these consumer interest stories pile up for a while now, so let’s get right through these, shall we?

– The FDA is urging consumers not to use Zicam Nasal Gel or Zicam Nasal Swabs, as there have been “more than 130” reports of people losing their sense of smell (sometimes permanently!) after using the product. I reported on this a year or two ago, but the FDA’s “official report” urging consumers not to use the product only came out recently.

– The people that run Molson, Canada’s version of Budweiser, are just jerks! For ages, the company has had a policy of giving three free cases of beer per month to their retirees. But now the company is discontinuing that policy, in hopes of saving a lousy $900,000 a year. What cockgobblers! Couldn’t they just not run commercials during one sporting event and pay for that program all year?

– Microsoft is discontinuing Microsoft Money, the company’s popular personal finance software. No reason was given for the announcement.

Continue reading “Random Consumer News”


Topix is a website that hosts discussion groups for tens of thousands of cities and small towns all across America. They even have a forum for Belmont, North Carolina, and I check it around once a week or so just to see what’s going on there.

I recently saw a thread there praising the H&M Deli in nearby Cramerton. What really got my attention was that everyone seemed to like it, something rare at the Topix board. I decided to check the place out a couple of weeks ago.

(Apologies for the “shaky cam” pictures. I hadn’t planned to do a review of the place and so I only had my cell phone handy!)

The first thing you’ll notice when you walk in is that H&M isn’t just a deli. They’re a full-blown specialty store with wines, beer, cheeses, spices, and other food products from around the world:


The second thing you’ll notice is that these items are frightfully expensive, and not just because most of them are top-shelf quality. Allow me to use Sriracha hot sauce as an example. My local Walmart sells the 17oz. bottle for $1.99. Local Harris Teeter stores sell it for $4.99. H&M sell it for $5.99 $5.09, which is just a rip-off.  (Helpful tip: Asian Market on Wilkinson Blvd. in Belmont sells the 28oz. bottle for $3.99). Having said all that, H&M just might be the only place in Gaston County where you can buy Hawai’ian black sea salt, so if you’ve just gotta have some, it’s probably better to take the 10 minute drive to H&M and pay $15.99 than drive all the hell way over to South Park just to save $4.

Continue reading “REVIEW: H&M Deli”

Cool Video: SRB Separation

I’m just fascinated by this video of the Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) separating from the space shuttle Atlantis on mission STS-115. Not only do you see the entire separation all the way to splashdown, someone at NASA thought to include a microphone with the camera, so you can hear the rockets moaning and groaning as they tumble through the upper atmosphere. It’s really cool… check it out:

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-14

  • I don't care how "gay" it sounds… Stephen Fry is a big British teddy bear! #
  • Now that I'm back from vacation, I'll say it: "Go Penguins!!!" #
  • 20 minutes left… Pens up 2-0… let's go guys!!! Bring the Stanley Cup to Pittsburgh along with the Lombardi!!! #
  • Pens win! Pens win! Pens win! Pens win! Pens win! #
  • The best part about the Pittsburgh Penguins winning the Stanley Cup: the Detroit Red Wings NOT winning the Stanley Cup! #

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