Monday’s Strange News

So I saved several news stories for you folks today, and they all have a similar theme… they’re all a bit weird:

– Rom Houben is a Belgian man who was in a horrific car crash in 1983. At the time, doctors guessed that he was in a coma. So they treated him like that for 23 years… only to give him a brain scan in 2006 and find out that his brain was functioning perfectly. It seems that Rom wasn’t in a coma after all – he was just paralyzed from the accident. Poor Rom sat there, in his hospital bed, for 23 years without the ability to tell his doctors that he wasn’t in a coma. After the 2006 brain scan, doctors began an intensive physical rehabilitation plan, and now Rom is able to type communicate with the outside world by typing messages on a computer. Personally, I can’t think of anything scarier – lying in a hospital bed for two decades, fully conscious of everything going on around you, yet unable to communicate that to anyone else. Read more about it here.

– Police in Peru have busted criminal gang that was allegedly killing people for their fat, which they sold to European cosmetic companies. As the article points out, there is plenty of human fat available for purchase thanks to liposuction, and there’s really no documented cosmetic benefit to human fat. But still, the gang was able to sell the illicit wares for around $15,000 per litre.

– The town of Coshocton, Ohio has a free municipal Wi-Fi system. Police use it to file paperwork without leaving their cars (after giving someone a traffic ticket, for example). During festivals, vendors use it to make credit card transactions. Truckers and businessmen often stop in the town and use it to check their email or corporate websites. But it almost all came crashing down after someone used the network to illegally download a movie. Amazingly, the system only uses a single external IP address, and the MPAA had the entire network shut down because of the file-sharing. The network is now back up, but the incident only highlights the MPAA’s foolishness.

– And lastly, a story a bit closer to home: Belmont police offer Jerry Anderson kept the city’s K-9 dog in a kennel behind his home… that is, until this past Friday, when the dog was stolen. The missing Belgian Malinois is valued at $2,600.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-22

  • TFLN: there was a kid puking in the bathroom and this idiot brings in a potted plant and was like yeah he's like, not getting enough oxygen #
  • TFLN: "you kept spraying the cat with water and then telling it to 'man up' when it cried" #
  • Hangover + Dead Kennedys on Sunday. Thanks, iPod Shuffle! #
  • The 5 worst words ever uttered in English: "The Star Wars Holiday Special"! #
  • Who is "Ed Balls" and why does he make British headlines so funny? #
  • "I'm ready." Uh-huh! šŸ˜‰ #
  • "Sending out an Esso Blue…" #
  • Banana Bread Beer! #
  • "Just to remind you folks… we're closing at midnight tonight." #
  • I survived IKEA! šŸ˜‰ #
  • "So, my story: I'm in the strip club with Charles Barkley and one of the hobbits…" #

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“…almost medieval barbarity”

This is just chilling:

A thug high on drink and drugs gouged out his former lover’s eye during a murder bid and threw it from an eighth-floor balcony.

Francis Murphy was today jailed for 12 years by a judge who told him he had committed a crime of “almost medieval barbarity”.

An earlier trial heard how jealous Murphy attacked Natalie Farrell, 27, with the wire of a coat hanger as he threatened: “I am taking your eye out you f****** cow”.

After flinging her eye from the eighth floor of a Dundee high-rise, evil Murphy then tried to throw her over the balcony as well.

via Mail Online.

The Nine Days’ Queen

A few days ago, I stumbled across Suicide Blonde. It’sĀ a blog that mostly features photographs, generally of pretty women, but also arty and\or kitschy pictures, too. I subscribed to their RSS feed, and got this in my inbox yesterday:


It’s a painting called The Execution of Lady Jane Grey by Paul Delaroche, and it made me think of the gigantic mess that Henry VIII left in his wake.

Henry VIII came to the throne with plans. Plans to reinvent the Royal Navy. Plans to take power away from the nobles and give it to the King and Parliament. Plans to introduce progressive and efficient taxation. Plans to unify England and Wales. Plans to be a patron of the arts and architecture. It’s somewhat ironic that Henry’s main plan, the thing he thought about almost constantly – securing the future of the Tudor dynasty – nearly failed so horribly.

Henry died on January 28, 1547, leaving firm plans that his son Edward, from his third marriage to Jane Seymour, should be king. There was just one problem: Edward was only nine years old when his father died, so a Regency Council was created to rule in his stead until he reached adulthood. Thus, Edward was crowned King Edward VI of England on February 20 1547, and his Regency Council was led by by his uncle, Edward Seymour.

Continue reading “The Nine Days’ Queen”

Ft. Worth “Wins”

One of the neat things about being an Anglican in the United States is that you get a free legal education with your faith!

Take the case of the Diocese of Ft. Worth, Texas. It was created in 1983 after it was decided that the Diocese of Dallas had become too large. Because the Diocese of Ft. Worth is a legal instrument, papers of incorporation were drawn up and signed, a bishop appointed and a board of trustees selected to run “the Diocese of Ft. Worth, a legal corporation”.

However, the conservative diocese, led by Bishop Jack Iker, voted on November 15, 2008 to leave The Episcopal Church and come under the jurisdiction of the province of Anglican Church of the Southern Cone (which covers Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay).

Continue reading “Ft. Worth “Wins””

Is that you, Sweeney Todd?

From our Russian friends:

MOSCOW (Reuters) ā€“ Russian police have arrested three homeless people suspected of eating a 25-year-old man they had butchered and selling other bits of the corpse to a local kebab house.

Suspicions were raised when dismembered parts of a human body were found near a bus stop in the outskirts of the Russian city of Perm, 1,150 km (720 miles) east of Moscow.

Three homeless men with previous criminal records have been arrested on suspicion of setting upon a foe with knives and a hammer before chopping up his corpse to eat, local investigators said in a statement on their Web site.

“After carrying out the crime, the corpse was divided up: part was eaten and part was also sold to a kiosk selling kebabs and pies,” the Prosecutor-General’s main investigative unit for the Perm region said in a statement issued Friday.

It was not immediately clear from the statement if any of the corpse had been sold to customers.


At least they didn’t make bears play ice hockey.

Russians are weird.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-15

  • AP Top 25: "7) Georgia Tech" Woot! #
  • After searching for this one Blondie song for 5 years… I found out that it's actually a Kim Wilde song. Ooops! #
  • Woo-hoo!! Bring on the Bungles, baby! #
  • Let's go, Virginia! Time to execute John Allen Muhammad!! #
  • "The prettiest girl in a John Hughes film was Gina Gershon". Discuss. #
  • "Did you f**k my mom? Did you f**k my mom, Santa?" Ahhh – Charlie Kelly, you comedic genius! #
  • @MicrosoftHelps Is there any way someone could look at This issue is driving me crazy! Thanks! #
  • "The courage of your weenie" – an actual subject line from an email in a client's spam folder. #
  • Actual headline from the UK: "Slaughterman executed mother with bolt gun in front of her daughters after she snubbed him on Facebook " #
  • GO JACKETS! 10-1 and ACC Coastal champs! #

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