- Just because your plan has unlimited text messages, that doesn't mean you should take it as a challenge! #
- wonders how many people shouting "dog murderer" are also pro-abortion… and how many of them offered to take the dog. #
- @AnglophileA http://tinyurl.com/yhbvrt3 #
- OK. Time to change the subject! #
- OMG! It's finally raining in Charlotte! My hunny will be so happy! Take THAT pollen! #
- Testing testing #
- Testing (again) #
- @askseesmic Ping is posting my Facebook pings as wall posts, not status updates. Other networks work fine. Any ETA on a fix? Thanks! #
- @DrPizza About the Ping\FB thing, see this: http://tinyurl.com/ykdz7q2 PS – its Rex Fenestrarum from Ars, not a spammer! in reply to DrPizza #
- "Take a trip around the world today, in the back seat rolling down a shady lane…" #
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