Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-25

  • failed at being a plumber today… 🙁 #
  • AAAAAUUUUGGGGHHH! Giant black snake under the deck! I wanted to scream like a little girl! #
  • Question: Which golf club is best for killing a snake? I like the compactness of a 9 iron, but think the heft of a 5 iron might do better. #
  • Anyone up for a game of Mornington Crescent? I'll start: Parsons Green #
  • "Adobe Reader Protected Mode… is a new mitigation feature scheduled for the next major version release of Adobe Reader." AMEN!!!! #
  • is starting season 2 of "Underbelly"! #
  • "The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.” – Sowell #
  • has entirely too many remote desktops and virtual machines going on at once! #
  • Apple the new world leader in software insecurity: #
  • "One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legislation." – Reed #
  • @rlaw1971 Because Twitter is pointless fun! #
  • Thoughts and prayers to the Cowher family on the loss of Kaye! 🙁 #
  • Ice cold Diet Dr Pepper? Check! Hawaiian pizza? Check! "Mad Men" season premiere tonight? HELL YEAH! #

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