I thought I’d change things up this week and use TV locations instead of movie locations. Have fun!
The game is simple: I post a picture of a TV show location, you guess which TV show it’s from. Hints will appear after the picture; highlight them to read. Using TinEye or Google in ANY WAY is cheating. There are no prizes, other than bragging rights.
LOCATION #1 – The only thing this 70’s show got from church is part of its name.

Hint (highlight to view): The person who owned this building (in the show) was never seen.
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LOCATION #2 – Although this show was despised by many, much of the action in this blockbuster 90’s smash took place here.

HINT (highlight to view): The person who lived here (with roommates) was only able to do so because it was rent-controlled, and originally her grandmother’s home.
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LOCATION #3 – A popular mid 2000’s Fox series started here.

HINT (highlight to view): The name of the series is as descriptive as “Snakes on a Plane”.
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LOCATION #4 – Set designers of this 1960s TV series loved this real-life house so much that they built an exact copy of it on a studio lot. Strangely, however, they built it as a mirror image of the real house.

HINT (highlight to view): One way or another, the pretty blonde who lived here always got was she wanted.
* * *
LOCATION #5 – Strange things happen in his apartment building.

HINT (highlight to view): The show is set in Toronto, where the building is.
A BONUS QUESTION and the answers appear after the jump!
BONUS QUESTION: This library at a Canadian university has appeared in tons of movies and TV shows. Name any of those shows.

Scroll down for answers!
Location #1 was the office of Townsend Investigations in the 70s hit Charlie’s Angels. The building is located at 189 N. Robertson Blvd. in Beverly Hills. As you can see in this comparison photograph, the tree out front has grown considerably and the smaller windows have been replaced with larger ones:

Thanks for Flickr user T Hoffarth, who took this photograph!
Location #2 is Monica’s apartment from Friends. It’s located at the corner of Bedford and Grove Streets in Greenwich Village in Manhattan. The idea of the apartment being owned by her grandmother and rent-controlled was added after the first season, after viewers questioned how Monica could afford to live there, even with multiple roommates.
Location #3 is the bank Michael Scofield robbed to get sent to prison to rescue his brother in the pilot episode of Prison Break. In real life, the building is the Ridgewood Savings Bank, located at 107-55 Queens Blvd. in Queens, New York.
Location #4 is Samantha and Darrin Stephens’ house in Bewitched. Just for the record, my first celebrity crush was on Elizabeth Montgomery! The home is located at 267 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA. As mentioned earlier, set designers loved the house so much they copied it, but for some reason they “reversed” it. Here’s how it looked on the show:

Location #5 is Erica Strange’s apartment in the Canadian series Being Erica. It’s located at 337 Palmerston Blvd in Toronto, Ontario. Yeah, that one was pretty obscure.
The bonus question is a picture of the W.A.C. Bennett Library at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia. It was used in Stargate SG-1, Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, Andromeda, The X-Files, Smallville and Hellcats. Movies filmed there include The Groundstar Conspiracy, The Fly 2, American Boyfriends, Antitrust, The 6th Day, Agent Cody Banks, the 2008 remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still, iRobot, Fantastic Four, Catwoman and Underworld 4.
I’m an idiot! How do I highlight to view? I’m dying to know answers!
Just highlight the “Hint (highlight to view)” text as if you were editing it in Word. Select the whitespace after it to get the hint. The text is there, it’s just written in white, so it only comes up when you highlight it.