Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-11

  • @mitomommy Awwwww! Your "sleeping angel" is adorable"! 🙂 #
  • Come on, Falcons! #
  • I almost never say this, but COME ON, CLEVELAND! Beat the Ratbirds! #
  • "Yes you did – you invaded Poland!" #
  • @gastongazette #Big12wasbetter Don't make me laugh! #
  • So we finally go to trivia night at Sir Ed's… and no one is here! #
  • Second place! #
  • Asobi Seksu and Washed Out on the jukebox at Sir Ed's… Nice! #
  • My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Roxy Music (38), Washed Out (7) & Bryan Ferry (5) #
  • Gaston County: where grown men wear baseball hats backwards without shame, guilt or irony. #
  • @MorganFogarty Yes, Morgan… nice to see you at the Belmont Christmas Parade! 🙂 #
  • Huh. I wasn't aware that any North Carolina universities played football! #
  • @thatDJSpider Must have holiday treat? SAUSAGE BALLS! 🙂 #
  • RT @ERIKAjaneC: RT @dannypudi: That's it. I'm putting Sriracha on everything. #
  • Roast beef and Red Leicester: always a winning sandwich combination! 🙂 #
  • Van Halen at 4:40am. Jesus. #

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