The Thursday Times

– A University of Illinois professor has been fired… for teaching the Catholic Church’s view of homosexuality. Kenneth Howell was teaching a class called Introduction to Catholicism in which he discussed “how the theory of utilitarianism and natural law theory would judge the morality of homosexual acts”. One student decided that this amounted to “hate speech” and sent a complaint letter to the head of the religious studies department, who then fired Howell. So now you can’t even teach what the Church believes? The world as I understood it makes less and less sense every day.

– Say what you will about the British, but their soldiers are badass. Lance Corporal Luke Reeson was on patrol in Nad-e-Ali, Afghanistan when an insurgent took a shot at him. The bullet hit Reeson’s body armor and went into his mouth, shattering his jaw. Reeson spit out the bullet and calmly walked two miles back to his camp, where he was given immediate medical attention before being flown home for surgery. Oh, and he’s now back on duty in Afghanistan.

– Rion Harmon is a musician from New York who records under the name The Zax. When he found out that Heidi Montag’s latest album sold 658 physical copies, he decided that he could do better than that. And thus, was born.

– Speaking of music, the guys over at Funny or Die recently disguised pop star Jewel with a wig, prosthetic nose, fake butt, and frumpy clothes and sent her to a karaoke bar… to sing Jewel songs! Disguised as “Karen”, a woman in town for a frozen foods convention, and surrounded by “co-workers”, she put on a show… and the crowd’s reaction is priceless. Check it out here. The best part? When Jewel, discussing the prosthetic, points to her own nose and says “yes, this nose got bigger“.

– You ever pronounce a word incorrectly for years and years? Or carefully dissect a kiwifruit instead of just slicing it in half and eating it with a spoon? Or only figure out after 20 years of driving that the little notches on the flap of your gas tank cover are to hold your gas cap whilst fueling? You’re not alone. This thread over at Metafilter has hundreds of comments from people who were doing something wrong for years and years until someone corrected them. My own confession: it wasn’t until last year, while watching an episode of Good Eats, that I learned how to hold a chef’s knife properly.

Some Rants

A few things have been getting on my nerves lately, so I thought I’d rant about them here.

First of all, when writing out times for the United States (such as you would in an email or on a website), you have several options. You should probably just use ET for “Eastern Time” (or AT, CT, MT, PT or HT, for Atlantic Time, Central Time, Mountain Time, Pacific Time or Hawaiian Time). However, if you must be fancy and use EST or EDT (for “Eastern Standard Time” or “Eastern Daylight Time”), please get a clue and use them correctly! There is no such time as “9PM EST, July 13”, because July 13 occurs in daylight time. It’s just funny how some people go to the trouble to use “EST” instead of “ET” and then use it incorrectly.

Secondly, allow me to dispel one misconception I see popping up all the time on message boards these days: you don’t need 64-bit applications on x64 versions of Windows. For the most part, 32-bit applications work just fine. I use 32-bit versions of Firefox 3.6.6 and Office 2010 all day long on my x64 computer with vary a problem. The only thing that really needs to be x64 are antivirus apps and system utilities, and that’s more about the way they interact with the operating system than any native i386 vs. x64 issue. Those apps are also the very same ones you’d expect to update when going from Windows XP to Windows 7 anyway, so that shouldn’t surprise you. Also, 64-bit applications aren’t any “faster” on x64 operating systems, so if you think that “64-bit Firefox would be so much faster on my system than the 32-bit version” you’re sadly misinformed. While it’s true that 64-bit apps offer slightly more protection in Win7 than 32-bit ones (assuming the app’s authors take advantage of it), it’s the only benefit to running an x64 web browser. The main advantage to using x64 versions of apps is that they can address far more memory than 32-bit apps. So if you need to work with gigantic Excel spreadsheets, then x64 Excel is for you. Other than that, stick with 32-bit, OK?

Continue reading “Some Rants”

Charlotte TWC Customers: Check This!

A week or two ago, Time Warner robocalled the house during the day, saying that Internet and digital phone services might be disrupted that night, as they were “implementing some upgrades that will make your Internet service faster in the future”.

Our Internet service didn’t go down that week, but it did go down last night. I became curious about the outage, as it started almost exactly on the hour, and lasted almost exactly one hour. Once the service came back up, I went to Speedtest and checked my speed:

New Speed Test

HOLY CRAP! We have basic Road Runner service, and had been getting 7Mbps/364kbps before. Now it seems that were getting almost 20Mbps down… WOW! Too bad the upload speed remains a pokey 384kbps!

So if you’re in the Charlotte area (and specifically Gaston County, which is a different TWC franchise from Meck County), check your Internet speed… it just might be a whole lot faster!

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-11

  • Wow! A producer from NatGeo emailed me about one of my Science Blog posts! I'm a celebrity superstar! #
  • @terrinh73 LeBron isn't important? From the girl who's all about the World Cup? :p in reply to terrinh73 #
  • @pecannelog Re: Thrillerdome Seriously? Is this a woosh? in reply to pecannelog #
  • Random fact: Brian Eno's full name is Brian Peter George St John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno. #
  • Why did I buy Eno's "Ambient 1" on cassette back in 1986, but only got Ambient 2, 3 and 4 this week? Why the 24 year gap? #
  • Man, the Oranje Army is OUT IN FORCE, huh>? #

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Friday Miscellany

– Less than 1% of all Windows XP installations are 64-bit. Around 11% of Windows Vista installations are 64-bit. However, it seems that a whopping 46% of all Windows 7 installations are 64-bit. The future is almost here! FWIW, Casa Cofer is 100% 64-bit, thank you very much.

– Speaking of tech, you could use an iPad or Kindle to read a book… but it seems that old fashioned “books” are faster.

– Need more proof that America’s waistline is rapidly expanding? A new study has found that Colorado, the nation’s healthiest state, has an obesity rate (19.1%) that exceeds the 1991 obesity rate of Mississippi, the nation’s fattest (15.7%). For what it’s worth, Mississippi’s current obesity rate is 33.8%. From here.

– Britain has gone nuts with the anti-terror laws. Recently, a man was threatened with arrest for taking a photograph of overcrowded trains. The man, an IT worker, was worried that the overcrowding was causing a safety issue, but train officials threatened to arrest him under anti-terror laws. This would be bad if it were an isolated case, but it’s not. People photographing police officers have been threatened under similar laws, and other photographers have been threatened with arrest for taking pictures on British streets. And here’s the thing: the terror laws allow the government to declare certain areas as “off-limits” for security reasons, but also allows the government to keep those areas secret. So no one knows whether they’re breaking the law or not. Google “Britain photographers anti-terror” for more sad stories.

– And lastly, in 1964 a British man named David Threlfall asked bookmaker William Hill to place a £10 bet on whether man would set foot on the moon before January 1970. Hill agreed to the bet and gave him 1000:1 odds. As the years passed, and it looked ever more likely that man would indeed walk on the moon, the odds dropped. Gamblers offered Threlfall thousands of pounds for his ticket, but he refused. After Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, Threlfall collected his £10,000 winnings – around $185,000 in current dollars. Read more here.

Congrats, Mad Men!

Congratulations to Mad Men for their 16 Emmy nominations! Special congrats are in order for January Jones for her role as Betty Draper, her first nomination. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for her, John Slattery, Elizabeth Moss, and (of course) Jon Hamm.

Also, AMC has released the first pictures from season four, which you can see here. There’s one surprise in the very first picture: Betty is standing with a man, who has his back to the camera. The man appears to be much younger than Henry Francis. Also, check out Peggy’s new haircut! Man, talk about not flattering!

Season 4 of Mad Men premieres on July 25 at 10pm on AMC.

REVIEW: “A Death in Belmont”

Writer Sebastian Junger – author of such popular books as Fire and The Perfect Storm – grew up in the suburban Boston town of Belmont, Massachusetts. From an early age, Junger knew that a woman was murdered in a house not too far from his own, but his parents always glossed over the details when he was a boy, and Junger eventually forgot all about it.

That is, until one day, years later, when he came back to his parent’s house for a visit. He was going through a box of family memorabilia and came across this picture:


The photograph shows a one year-old Junger sitting on his mother’s lap in the family’s living room. Behind his mother, Ellen, is an elderly handyman named Floyd Wiggins. Standing next to Wiggins, and directly behind the Jungers, is a man named Albert DeSalvo, although you probably know him better as the Boston Strangler.

Continue reading “REVIEW: “A Death in Belmont””

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-04

  • @markmaser And maybe it's because #Symantec and #McAfee products suck? in reply to markmaser #
  • Ah… nice to see that iTunes can crash Outlook 2010 as well as it crashed Outlook 2007. Well done, Steve Jobs! #
  • is at the Knights game… Nice night for baseball! #
  • Thanks to Marcia and Allen for the "suite" tickets last night! 🙂 #
  • Why, oh WHY, must I reboot after updating Adobe Reader? #
  • "Naomi Campbell subpoenaed in war crimes case" What the hell?? #
  • Of course I dozed off after dinner… I ate FOUR ITALIAN BEEF SANDWICHES! #
  • is being driven to the brink of madness by what should be a simple web browser request! #
  • is at Friday Night Live in B-town! #
  • Happy Birthday, America! Enjoy your civil rights and liberties… what's left of them! #

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