Turkey Noodle Soup

When you think of “holiday traditions”, it’s easy to think of long-established ones instead of newer ones. When I think of Christmas, for example, one of the first things I think about are sausage balls, a Christmas morning treat my mom has been making as far back as I can remember. But I’m really starting to look forward to one of my newest traditions: turkey noodle soup!


For the past two years, Lisa and I have been tasked with making the turkey for the Wilson family Thanksgiving. Following Alton Brown’s foolproof recipe, I’ve made a delicious bird each time. And since the turkey is “ours”, I get to take home all the leftovers. Last year I was puzzling over what to do with the giant turkey carcass, when I noticed that we had a lot of leftover celery and carrots too. Soup instantly popped in my mind… and it was so good!

It sounds like a lot of work, but it really isn’t. To make your own turkey noodle soup from scratch, all you need is some leftover turkey, some vegetables, a few spices, some spare time, and a little bit of love.

Continue reading “Turkey Noodle Soup”

Krispy Kreme FAIL

Lisa and I were out shopping last night when her blood sugar started to fall. She needed something sweet, and when she saw the “Hot Doughnuts Now” sign lit up at our local Krispy Kreme, she decided that a hot glazed doughnut would do the trick.

I pulled up to the drive-through and started to order a dozen glazed… but then I saw this adorable little guy on the menu:

Krispy Kreme Snowman

Awww! Cute, huh? I couldn’t say no to his cute lil’ snowman charms, so I added one to our order. Imagine my surprise when I carefully opened the bag and saw this:

Crappy Snowman

Folks, I swear on a stack of King James Bibles (the good ones, with the Apocrypha) that I didn’t alter the doughnut or photoshop this picture in any way. There was a small smear of icing on the inside of the bag (you can see it at the lower right of the doughnut); this would seem to correspond to the poor lil’ snowman’s face. Other than that, it looks as if the rest of him hasn’t been altered at all.

I’m glad I don’t have a young child who eagerly wanted one of these doughnuts… the one I ended up with looks more like a Halloween snowman than a Christmas one!

The HATE Post

Just wanted to pop in to say…

No Ravens

HAHAHAHAHA! The Ratbirds went down!! Granted, the Steeler offense didn’t look that great, but let’s keep things in perspective: ever since the Ratbirds beat the Steelers earlier this season (when Reed missed two FGs and Charlie Batch was the QB, mind you), the Ratbirds have defeated five teams with a collective record of 19-36 (the Broncos, Bills, Dolphins and Panthers), and lost to the Pats and Falcons, who are 18-4. And you can make that 27-7 with the loss to Pittsburgh.

Continue reading “The HATE Post”

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-05

  • Whew! GO STEELERS!! #
  • Reason #7 Your Car Smells: Grandma’s “quilt collection”. Enter Conan's #20PinetreeAirFresheners Sweepstacular @ http://bit.ly/an50kt #
  • RIP Irvin Kershner… director of the best Star Wars film (by far!) #
  • Reason #8 Your Car Smells: Tuna breath. Enter Conan's #20PinetreeAirFresheners Sweepstacular @ http://bit.ly/an50kt #
  • Home from Chattanooga. Total drive time: 8h 16m. Avg. speed 42.8 mph. I HATE torrential downpours… on curvy mountain roads.. in the dark! #
  • Reason #9 Your Car Smells: Jack-o-lanterns don’t keep. Enter Conan's #20PinetreeAirFresheners Sweepstacular @ http://bit.ly/an50kt #
  • Belatedly hanging the Advent calendar… yum! #
  • Her name is Rio, she don't need to understand… #
  • Last night's #psych was AWESOME! Loved the "Twin Peaks" homage! #
  • @wicketsteve I think you missed the joke about the #psych intro music #
  • Reason #10 Your Car Smells: Yes, it’s your feet. Enter the Chevy Cruze #20PinetreeAirFresheners Sweepstacular @ http://bit.ly/an50kt #
  • The Panthers are going through QBs like Spinal Tap goes through drummers! #
  • Kids in bars… awesome! Sarcasm. Thanks a hell of a lot, NC smoking ban! #
  • OMG! Sir Ed's new jukebox has Saint Etienne! #
  • Reason #10 Your Car Smells: Yes, it’s your feet. Enter the Chevy Cruze #20PinetreeAirFresheners Sweepstacular @ http://bit.ly/an50kt #

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A Damn Fine Homage

One of my guilty pleasures is the USA Network show Psych. It’s about a late-20s slacker named Shawn Spencer (James Roday) who was taught to be hyper-observant by his police officer father (Corbin Bernsen). After Shawn solves a series of crimes in his native Santa Barbara by finding overlooked clues in newspaper photos and TV news reports, the police suspect him of committing the crimes. Under questioning, he pretends to be psychic to get the police off his back. After he solves yet another crime, he forms a “psychic detective agency” with his best friend, Burton “Gus” Guster (DulĂ© Hill), and the two work as police consultants.

If it sounds like The Mentalist… well, that’s because the two shows are quite similar, although Psych was on the air first, a fact that’s occasionally joked about on the show. But what makes them different is that Psych is much funnier and is aimed at a younger audience. Almost every episode is packed with 80s and 90s pop culture jokes. Even better, there are theme episodes: Psych has spoofed everything from Alfred Hitchcock and John Hughes films to Mexican telenovelas.

But one of their best homages aired two days ago, when Psych played tribute to the great early 90s show Twin Peaks. There were a references aplenty throughout the episode, and I thought I’d write up a quick post summarizing them.

Continue reading “A Damn Fine Homage”

Quote of the Day

“For you to be here now trillions of drifting atoms had somehow to assemble in an intricate and intriguingly obliging manner to create you. It’s an arrangement so specialized and particular that it has never been tried before and will only exist this once. For the next many years (we hope) these tiny particles will uncomplainingly engage in all the billions of deft, cooperative efforts necessary to keep you intact and let you experience the supremely agreeable but generally underappreciated state known as existence.

Why atoms take this trouble is a bit of a puzzle. Being you is not a gratifying experience at the atomic level. For all their devoted attention, your atoms don’t actually care about you – indeed, don’t even know that you are there. They don’t even know that they are there. They are mindless particles, after all, and not even themselves alive. (It is a slightly arresting notion that if you were to pick yourself apart with tweezers, one atom at a time, you would produce a mound of fine atomic dust, none of which had ever been alive but all of which had once been you.) Yet somehow for the period of your existence they will answer to a single overarching impulse: to keep you you.

The bad news is that atoms are fickle and their time of devotion is fleeting – fleeting indeed. Even a long human life adds up to only about 650,000 hours. And when that modest milestone flashes past, or at some other point thereabouts, for reasons unknown your atoms will shut you down, silently disassemble, and go off to be other things. And that’s it for you.

Still, you may rejoice that it happens at all. Generally speaking in the universe it doesn’t, so far as we can tell. This is decidedly odd because the atoms that so liberally and congenially flock together to form living things on Earth are exactly the same atoms that decline to do it elsewhere. Whatever else it may be, at the level of chemistry life is curiously mundane: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, a little calcium, a dash of sulfur, a light dusting of other very ordinary elements – nothing you wouldn’t find in any ordinary drugstore – and that’s all you need. The only thing special about the atoms that make you is that they make you. That is of course the miracle of life.”

– Bill Bryson
A Short History of Nearly Everything

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-28

  • had a lot of fun with his peeps last night! #
  • Feels better now that he’s washed the Milestone off him! #
  • Congratulations #CarolinaPanthers .. you have the worst record in #NFL #
  • Reason #3 Your Car Smells: That banana you “saved for later”. Enter Conan’s #20PinetreeAirFresheners Sweepstacular @ http://bit.ly/an50kt #
  • Pittsburgh Steelers done wrong by NFL – NFL News | FOX Sports on MSN: http://soc.li/6PvnruO #
  • Reason #4 Your Car Smells: It’s haunted by pig farmer poltergeists. Conan’s #20PinetreeAirFresheners Sweepstacular @ http://bit.ly/an50kt #
  • Mystery of song from Mad Men “The Beautiful Girls” SOLVED! “Lonely Girl” by Jay Ramsey! THANK YOU Robert Earle! #
  • NOT A SCAM: $3 free credit for Amazon MP3 store. Expires 11/29, one per Amazon account. More here: http://tinyurl.com/3926a5w #
  • Sir Edmond Halley’s is back! Wooo-hoooooo! #
  • has been busy raping the “free music” section at Amazon MP3. #
  • TFLN: “His drunk text included an attempt at quoting a Nyquil bottle in MLA format.” #
  • Reason #5 Your Car Smells: That clam juice smoothie spill. Enter Conan’s #20PinetreeAirFresheners Sweeps @ http://bit.ly/an50kt #
  • Fox to cancel “Fringe”, “Lie to Me” and “Human Target”? There goes any reason for me to watch Fox! #
  • Love @JohnCleese but why are 95% of his tweets about leaving or returning to Twitter? #
  • TODAY ONLY: Amazon MP3 has “Contra” by Vampire Weekend for only $1.99! It’s a damn fine album! http://tinyurl.com/2v8sl9w #
  • Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! #
  • “Can you look at my PC? My IT guy worked on it for 2 hours and couldn’t fix it.” “I can fix it in less than 15 minutes”. Total time: 11 min. #
  • #MSFT just ruined a great product, for stupid reasons. http://tinyurl.com/3254pee #
  • Reason #6 Your Car Smells: Who knew loneliness had a smell? Enter the Chevy Cruze #20PinetreeAirFresheners Sweeps @ http://bit.ly/an50kt #
  • Great dinner with an old friend! #
  • “All the way, turtle!” #
  • Reason #6 Your Car Smells: Who knew loneliness had a smell? Enter the Chevy Cruze #20PinetreeAirFresheners Sweeps @ http://bit.ly/an50kt #
  • Album88 was hitting them out of the park last night!!! #

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APPLE FAIL: iTunes Edition

All I wanted to do was take some XviD rips of some TV show DVDs and put them on my iPod Nano.

I knew the files would need to be re-encoded, so I downloaded the latest version of Handbrake, since I hadn’t reinstalled it since I reformatted my computer. I installed it, queued up the files with the “iPod” preset, and let it do its thing. Within 20 minutes, the conversion was done. Hooray!

I went to iTunes and clicked File > Add File to Library and added the shiny new mp4 files to my library. Hooray!

I then clicked on “Movies”, highlighted the new files, right-clicked and chose “Get Info”. I clicked the “Options” tab and changed the “Media Kind:” to “TV Show”. iTunes moved the files from”Movies” to “TV Shows” Hooray!

Since the files had no metadata (and were just sitting there in the main “TV Shows” window), I clicked on each one and added the name of the show, episode title and season\episode numbers to each one. Hooray!

Continue reading “APPLE FAIL: iTunes Edition”