“Progressive” is the new “Racist”

Quick – name the most “progressive” cities in America. Portland? Seattle? Austin? Denver? Minneapolis?

These cities are known for their fine public school and public transportation systems and healthy art scenes as well as their liberal values, like actively encouraging cycling to work and anti-sprawl policies.

Aside from that, what else to these cities have in common? They are the whitest cities of their size in America, that’s what. Black folks make up 12.8% of the US population, but only constitute 10.6% of the population of Minneapolis, 10.0% in Denver, 8.8% in Austin, 6.2% in Seattle, and a mere 6.0% in Portland. And although foreign-born people make up a lot of the difference in these cities, they still lag behind other cities in their “diversity”.

It’s amusing, then, that so-called “progressives” flock to these cities. After all, why move away from downtown Atlanta to be called a racist when you can move to Portland and be a liberal hero?

Read more about it here.

Where’s Climategate?

On November 20, 2009, hackers accessed several computers at the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia in the UK. They managed to make off with around 60MB of internal emails and documents, and the picture they paint is damning. Researchers at CRU allegedly: a) heavily massaged data to reach their conclusions; b) ignored data that led to a contrary conclusion; c) willfully deleted emails (evidence) of their wrongdoing; and d) sought to replace or bypass editors of scientific journals that questioned their methodology and\or results.

The fallout at supposedly neutral sites like Ars Technica has been a giant shrug, with most posters saying that yes, perhaps the scientists did behave badly, but that the underlying science is sound. I simply have to ask: is it? When you see emails like these, one has to wonder:

“I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”

Or this:

“The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.”

A month and a half before the hack, the BBC published this article, which calls into question the very idea of Global Warming. In it, the author asserts that the warmest year on record was 1998, and that global temperatures have either held study or actually decreased in the past 11 years, and that the rise of global temperatures in the decades before are based on a completely normal process known as Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO).

Continue reading “Where’s Climategate?”

Cop Tases 10-Year-Old Girl

From The Smoking Gun:

An Arkansas cop tasered an unruly 10-year-old girl after her mother called police to report that the child was crying, screaming, and refusing to go to bed. The tased girl, Kiara Medlock, is about 65 pounds and 4′ 6″, according to her father.

Here’s the girl:


Yes, this girl was obviously a threat to a fully-grown male police officer. This makes me sick to my stomach.

And some people wonder why other people hate cops so much.

via Cop Tases 10-Year-Old Girl – November 18, 2009.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-29

  • Well… the AFC North sure got its ass kicked today. #
  • Every time #NoKidHungry is mentioned in a tweet, Domino/C&H sugar will donate $1 to Share Our Strength (up to 10k!) Pass it on! #
  • Four days until Clean Old-Fashioned Hate! #
  • Mexican Coca-Cola: good, but not the ambrosia people made it out to be. I prefer West Jefferson Dr Pepper! #
  • Three days until Clean Old-Fashioned Hate! #
  • Two days until Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate! Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! #
  • BREAKING: Tiger Woods seriously injured in car accident: http://ping.fm/WkiuI #
  • Clean Old-Fashioned Hate is TOMORROW! #
  • Dennis Dixon is starting on Sunday? Dammit, another one in the "L" column for the Steelers. What a season! #
  • Today is the day! Welcome to Atlanta, bitches! #
  • What's the good word? #
  • Well, Tech lost tonight, but I'm the only one here still awake. As I see it, Pabst + Klonopin wins! #

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January in a Jersey!

OK, so I know this is almost a month old by now, but I just had to share this with you: on November 11, Mad Men star January Jones appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. As luck would have it, Pittsburgh Steelers star Troy Polamalu also appeared on the show that day.

During Polamalu’s bit, Fallon put on a helmet and shoulder pads while Polamalu showed him how to go after a blocking sled. January watched… while wearing a Polamalu jersey!



Continue reading “January in a Jersey!”

Monday’s Strange News

So I saved several news stories for you folks today, and they all have a similar theme… they’re all a bit weird:

– Rom Houben is a Belgian man who was in a horrific car crash in 1983. At the time, doctors guessed that he was in a coma. So they treated him like that for 23 years… only to give him a brain scan in 2006 and find out that his brain was functioning perfectly. It seems that Rom wasn’t in a coma after all – he was just paralyzed from the accident. Poor Rom sat there, in his hospital bed, for 23 years without the ability to tell his doctors that he wasn’t in a coma. After the 2006 brain scan, doctors began an intensive physical rehabilitation plan, and now Rom is able to type communicate with the outside world by typing messages on a computer. Personally, I can’t think of anything scarier – lying in a hospital bed for two decades, fully conscious of everything going on around you, yet unable to communicate that to anyone else. Read more about it here.

– Police in Peru have busted criminal gang that was allegedly killing people for their fat, which they sold to European cosmetic companies. As the article points out, there is plenty of human fat available for purchase thanks to liposuction, and there’s really no documented cosmetic benefit to human fat. But still, the gang was able to sell the illicit wares for around $15,000 per litre.

– The town of Coshocton, Ohio has a free municipal Wi-Fi system. Police use it to file paperwork without leaving their cars (after giving someone a traffic ticket, for example). During festivals, vendors use it to make credit card transactions. Truckers and businessmen often stop in the town and use it to check their email or corporate websites. But it almost all came crashing down after someone used the network to illegally download a movie. Amazingly, the system only uses a single external IP address, and the MPAA had the entire network shut down because of the file-sharing. The network is now back up, but the incident only highlights the MPAA’s foolishness.

– And lastly, a story a bit closer to home: Belmont police offer Jerry Anderson kept the city’s K-9 dog in a kennel behind his home… that is, until this past Friday, when the dog was stolen. The missing Belgian Malinois is valued at $2,600.