SONGS I LOVE: “Born Slippy”

get_well_soonIf you’ve ever seen the film Trainspotting, you’re probably familiar with the song “Born Slippy”, as it was featured prominently in the film.

The song has an interesting story behind it: the original version, by electronic band Underworld, was completely instrumental. The b-side of the single had lyrics, and was known as “Born Slippy .NUXX”, allegedly from a computer error which appended the NUXX extension to one of the tracks in the song. The lyrics are supposedly the “internal dialog” of an alcoholic (band member Karl Hyde was a functional alcoholic at the time). The band didn’t give the tune much thought until director Danny Boyle used it in Trainspotting, which caused the tune to hit #2 on the British charts.

This version is a cover from the German band Get Well Soon. It’s very slow, with a haunting piano line running throughout. To me, the original is a dancy, almost poppy tune. You can easily ignore the lyrics while gyrating on the dance floor or driving around at top speed. But this version forces you to listen to the desperation and sadness of the lyrics. It’s not something you want to cue up on the iPod at at party… but it is something you’ll listen to while lying on your bed with the room spinning out of control later on that night.

Have a listen and tell me what you think:


Win7: Making a “Universal Install” disc

When Microsoft was developing Windows 7, many of us in the IT field hoped that there would only be one version of the operating system, compared to the mess that was Windows Vista (Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate).

Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be. But Microsoft did meet us halfway: aside from netbooks which run Windows 7 Starter, most Americans will be using Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional or Windows 7 Ultimate. And, thanks to a simple hack, you can easily create a “universal DVD” which can install any version of Windows 7 on a computer:


All you need to do is delete a single file – ei.cfg – from any Windows 7 installation CD.

The easiest way to do this is to use an ISO tool like PowerISO to make an image of the installation DVD, then delete the ei.cfg file from the “sources” directory of the image, then burn the edited image file to a blank DVD. When you install Windows 7 on a computer using the edited disc, you will be prompted with the screen above to choose which version of the operating system you want to install.

Note that this hack will not let you get a free upgrade: your license key is tied to the particular version of Windows 7 you’re licensed for, so if you try to install Ultimate using a Home Premium key, you’ll get an error message. So this hack is really for support people who have to install a variety of versions of Windows 7 on people’s computers.

Also, 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7 come on separate discs, so you’d need to repeat the process if you need both versions. It would be really cool if you could create a “Ultimate Universal DVD” that had both x86 and x64 versions on it… but that’s above my pay grade.

Mad Men: “The Grown Ups”

This episode begins with Pete asleep on the sofa in his office. Hildy, in a heavy coat and mittens, wakes him up with hot cocoa. It seems that the heat is off in the building. Pete complains that the cocoa is instant; Hildy says that it’s from the diner and asks how he can tell. He says that it’s made with water, not milk. Hildy also says that Lane wants to see him in his office. Pete, obviously annoyed by the lack of heat, apologizes to Hildy and says that the cocoa is helping.


Inside Lane’s office, Pete gets the bad news: Ken Cosgrove is being made “senior vice president in charge of account services”, while Pete is being made “head of account management”. When Pete asks why the decision was made the way it was, Lane says that Pete has excelled at making the clients feel that their needs are being met, but that Ken makes them feel as if they have no needs. Lane says that they’ve upgraded his title so he won’t feel so bad. When Pete asks if Roger and Bert know about this, Lane says that it’s been done “under my authority”. Pete walks back to his office, dejected, and sees a carefree Ken helping an office girl with a space heater under her desk. Pete walks into his office, grabs his briefcase and walks out. When Hildy asks where he’s going, he says that he “doesn’t feel well”.

Continue reading “Mad Men: “The Grown Ups””

Mad Men: “The Gypsy and the Hobo”

This episode begins with Betty packing her bags. Thankfully, she’s not leaving Don, she’s only traveling to Philadelphia to deal with Gene’s house. Sally asks Don about pre-made costumes at Woolworth’s. Don says that they’ll only wear the costume once, they’re made out of cheap plastic and “they’re crap”. Sally says that she’ll always love Minnie Mouse. Betty tells the kids to go upstairs and get their bags. While they’re gone, she tells Don that she only had $40. He tells her to swing by the bank, that she should have $200 in her account. She asks him again if he’s sure he has no extra money on him. He kisses her on the cheek and tells her to be careful.


A little while later, we see Bert sitting on the sofa in his office with Annabelle Mathis, an old flame of Roger’s and the owner of a dog food company named Caldecott Farms. Don and Roger walk in the office and introductions are given (it’s obvious that Roger and Annabelle have a past). After Annabelle and Roger do some catching up, she says that Caldecott Farms is in dire straights after it was made public that the company used horse meat in its dog food products. She says that she’s in town visiting ad agencies. What she really wants is a new word for “horse meat”; she says that the ingredients and the brand name cannot change. Don says that it’s a “tall order” but they’ll do their best.

Continue reading “Mad Men: “The Gypsy and the Hobo””

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-01

  • "Home at last! Home at last! Thank God Almighty, I'm home at last!" #
  • Anybody wanna tag my latest FB photo album? Crowdsourcing is so much easier than doing it yourself! #
  • Has Australia always been run by idiots? #
  • Has anyone heard from Mark Carter in the past…. I dunno… five years? #
  • "credimi almen, senza di te languisce il cor…" #
  • Go Jackets! 8-1 baby!!! 🙂 #

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Major Mad Men recap delay

Well, as you’ve probably noticed, I still have not posted a recap of last week’s Mad Men. There’s a reason for that.

Last weekend I had my 20-year high school reunion in Atlanta. That was on Saturday.

On Sunday, Lisa and I went to visit one of her friends outside Chattanooga. We’d planned to leave around 2pm on Monday, but didn’t actually hit the road until 3:15. We were going to take I-75 north to I-40 and go home via Asheville. Unfortunately, we got halfway to Knoxville before finding out that a rock slide had closed I-40 near the TN\NC line. So we had to take an alternate route through the mountains (which was delayed a further 30 minutes when I made what appears to be a common navigational mistake). So what should have taken six hours took almost nine, and we didn’t get home until midnight.

Since getting home, a combination of work, household stuff and trips to the vet have kept me from getting started on the recap… hell, I didn’t even watch the episode until Thursday morning!

I hope to start on it tomorrow (but it’s Halloween, so who knows?) and for sure I’ll make a lot of progress Sunday afternoon (we get the Cards\Panthers as the late game, and since that’s not worthy of HD, I’ll be able to watch the game in my office and write).

Sorry for the delay, folks… especially for such an incredible episode!


Former Washington Redskins quarterback Joe Theismann is almost as famous for being a broadcaster as he is a football player. He served as color commentator for ESPN’s Sunday Night Football from 1988 to 2005, where he was known for saying almost as many stupid things as longtime color man John Madden. In fact, one thing that Theismann said almost always comes up on “stupidest things anyone’s ever said” lists:

“Nobody in the game of football should be called a genius. A genius is somebody like Norman Einstein.”

Everyone assumes that Theismann, a dumb jock, meant to say Albert Einstein. But the truth is more complicated than that. Perhaps Theismann did mean to say Albert Einstein… or maybe he was thinking of Norman Einstein, a former classmate of his at South River High School and the valedictorian of his class.

Yes, folks, there really is a Norman Einstein. He is an emergency room physician at Catawba Valley Medical Center in nearby Hickory, North Carolina. Here is his contact info. According to this Reader’s Digest article about the flub,

“‘I was a senior when he was a sophomore,’ Dr. Einstein said. As boys, they lived just blocks apart. ‘We played a little bit of basketball, touch football-that kind of stuff.’ But they weren’t close friends: Theismann was a jock, Einstein a brain. Einstein graduated in 1965 and was the class valedictorian. He attended Rutgers University and then medical school at Tufts University. Theismann headed to the NFL. Twenty-seven years later, in a corner of the Metrodome in Minneapolis, Norman Einstein’s name popped back into Joe Theismann’s head.”

For the record, Sports Illustrated also ran an article about Einstein, but I can’t find it online.

So yes, Theismann misspoke. But his flub isn’t as stupid as it at first sounds.

Continue reading “RIGHTING THE WRONGS: Joe Theismann”

Thanks, Panthers!

Check out this map:


The people in red get to watch the Vikings take on the Packers this Sunday. That should be a hell of a game – Brett Farve returning to play at Lambeau Field, two well-matched teams going at it… and the line is the home team by 3.

The people in blue – me – instead get to watch the Carolina Panthers travel to Arizona to take on the Cardinals. That game should be a bloodbath – in fact, I’m surprised that the line is only 9. Me? I think the final score will be 34-6 for the home team. But I’ll get to see the Panthers – in all their crappy glory – instead of a game that, you know, people actually want to watch.


Oh, and John Fox said today that Jake Delhomme is still, somehow, the Panthers’ starting quarterback (check out this great article on that asks what Jake has to do to get benched).

Should I go ahead and get season tickets for next year when Cowher takes over?