Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-25

  • Woot! Tied for 1st place in the AFC North again! #
  • Dick Enberg is losing his marbles! #
  • Strangely, bacon-wrapped Butterfingers weren't that great. Bacon dipped in peanut butter, however, was AWESOME! #
  • HELP! Charlotte and Atlanta peeps: we have two BEAUTIFUL stray kittens that are under threat from a grumpy neighbor! PLEASE adopt one! #
  • Happy Trafalgar Day everyone! #
  • Nooooooo! The Varsity wants to change their to-go boxes! #
  • … wishes MS would hurry up and release the RTM version of XP Mode for Win7 already! #
  • Wow – XP Mode is really COOL! #win7 #
  • "I'll give you the same deal I give everyone else: $50 for 10 minutes alone with the bodies." #
  • Even the devil on my shoulder was like "go to bed!" last night! #

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Fear and Loathing in the Pacific

James Cook was born to a family of Yorkshire farmers on November 7, 1728. It’s odd then, that Cook would go on to join the Royal Navy and become one of the best explorers and navigators in British history.

Cook had only five years of schooling, where he was seen as a decent, but not remarkable, student. When he was 16, Cook became a “shop boy” at a grocer and fabric shop in the seaside town of Staithes. In this, Cook was a complete failure, and in less than two years he had moved on to the nearby port town of Whitby. There he met Quaker brothers John and Henry Walker, who were in the business of shipping coal along the English coast. Cook apprenticed with them, and found that he loved it. Where he had once been indifferent in school, he now quickly absorbed all the algebra, geometry, astronomy and other skills needed to one day command his own ship.

In 1755, Cook volunteered for the Royal Navy as the Seven Years’ War began. He quickly rose up the ranks, especially once his skills as a mapmaker became known. Cook, serving in North America in the war, made some of the first contemporary charts of Canadian waters, maps that allowed General James Wolfe to launch several successful raids during the conflict.

After the war, the Royal Society hired him to sail to Tahiti in 1766 to observe the transit of Venus across the Sun (two other adventurers were sent to other spots on the globe; it was hoped that by triangulation they would be able to accurately measure the distance to the Sun). Once this was complete, Cook opened a packet of “secret orders” he had been given back in England: he was to locate the terra australis incognita (“unknown southern land”) once and for all, and claim it in the name of Great Britain. That Cook did, reaching a bay so teeming with wildlife that he named it “Botany Bay”. Thus, on that day in 1770, modern Australia was born.

Continue reading “Fear and Loathing in the Pacific”

Win7: XP Mode

One of the coolest features of Windows 7 is “XP Mode”, a way to run a virtual Windows XP session in Windows 7.

At its most basic, XP Mode offers “Desktop Mode”, in which a virtual machine opens up and boots into its OS. This is nice, but it’s nothing extraordinary – in fact, users of Virtual PC 2007, VMWare Workstation and Sun’s VirtualBox will probably yawn and wonder what all the fuss is about. After all, it’s not much different than running any of those apps.

Where XP Mode really shines is “Seamless Mode”, in which shortcuts for applications installed on the virtual machine are added to the Windows 7 start menu. When you want to run one of those apps, you don’t have to start the virtual machine in desktop mode and wait for it to boot up – the application runs within a window under Windows 7. Aside from the “(Remote)” tag added to the title bar of the application, you’d have no idea it was even running virtually! Cool, huh? So you can now finally run Office 2007 and a virtualized Office 2003 on the same machine!

Continue reading “Win7: XP Mode”

January Jones: RAWR!

You’ve probably seen the January Jones pictures from GQ already, but this post over at The Superficial has some outtakes, which are arguably hotter:

January Jones in GQ

I read the GQ article tonight… apparently she likes football and beer, she once drank 26 beers in a single night, she’s thinking of going as Troy Polamalu for Halloween, and she once had the booze cut off from her on a British Airways flight… where she was playing quarters and chewing tobacco with the stranger sitting next to her.

Mad Men: “The Color Blue”

This episode begins with Betty and Carla working on a grocery list. Betty says that they need apples, but that they should come from Rodney Farms. Carla says that the farm is near her church, and that she’ll pick some up on Sunday. Sally then asks why the Drapers don’t go to church’ Betty says that they do. Sally says “on Christmas… Carla goes every Sunday”. Betty says that they don’t need to go every week. Don walks in and kisses the kids. He asks Sally how her day at school was; Bobby ass why Don never asks him how his school day was. Don says that he does, but that Bobby’s answer is always longer, so he asks Sally instead. Bobby then asks when Halloween is; Betty says that it’s “before Thanksgiving”, then mentions a Halloween party that Carlton and Francine are having, but says that they’ll probably have to miss it, as they will be in Philadelphia selling Gene’s house. Betty brings Don a drink, then asks if he’s sleeping there that night. Don says that he isn’t, which causes Betty to say that he’s working too hard.


We next see Don knocking on Suzanne’s door. She answers, and he leans in to kiss her. She steps back and tells him to come inside first. He asks if she was grading papers, because she has a gold star on her cheek. The two embrace, but just as Don goes to kiss her, she says that his service called and said that Hilton had called him, but that he (Hilton) was probably in an airplane by now. Don says “thanks Miss Farrell” in his best 3rd grade student voice. She leans in and says that she wants him to spend the whole night with her. Don doesn’t say anything, only pulls her back to the bedroom.

Continue reading “Mad Men: “The Color Blue””

Vatican to accept Anglicans

Blockbuster news: the Roman Catholic Church has announced that it will now accept conservative Anglicans as full members. Groups would be able to join “personal ordinariates”, which would have distinct Anglican traditions (possibly including the Book of Common Prayer) and, since Anglican priests would be allowed to join, that would allow for that rarest of all creatures: the married Roman Catholic priest.

This news comes as a mixed blessing to me. Certainly, it’s always nice to have options, and many Anglo-Catholics would prefer switching to Rome before losing their cherished traditions. On the other hand, for folks like me this is a nightmare. Any Anglo-Catholics who have not joined the Roman Church already will probably do so now instead of joining the ACNA, thus making ACNA just “The Episcopal Church minus the gays”. So ACNA loses an important wing of Anglicanism, and I’m stuck holding my nose about joining Rome. What a choice!
