Welcome to Heathrow!

So… I was watching a downloaded version of the British show Dispatches last night. It’s a news\documentary program, similar to 60 Minutes or 20/20, although unlike those two shows, Dispatches focuses on one topic per episode.

The episode I watched last night was all about the horrible state of Britain’s airports (well, specifically, the airports owned by BAA, the private company that runs Heathrow, Gatwick, and Stansted airports, among others). At one point in the show, a YouTube video was shown of the unbelievably long security line at Heathrow. I freeze-framed the opening shot to get the name of the video… which is “The World’s Unofficial Longest Line”… and I believe that the subject matter lives up to the promise of its title:

Hotel Babylon (Series 3, Episode 3)

Can money really buy you happiness?

It’s crunch time for Charlie. Hotel Babylon hasn’t hosted in a major event in some time, and the board of directors are on Charlie’s ass to get something big in the hotel, pronto. Luckily for Charlie, Emily has worked her magic: hotel tycoon Donald Stern (Gary Waldhorn) has a daughter named Naomi (Katie McGuinness), who’s getting married to American billionaire Earl Archer (Michael Landes). Because Naomi spent most of her life in her father’s hotels, she wants the wedding held at another hotel… and Hotel Babylon fits the bill perfectly!

Emily breathlessly tells Charlie the good news, but in all her wisdom didn’t bother telling anyone else. So now the staff of Hotel Babylon have to work overtime to make this the “society wedding” of the year. Charlie is happy that the hotel will make a lot of money off the event, but isn’t happy that Babylon’s hotel planner is out of the country on vacation. He’s also not happy that a book launch arranged at the hotel for black weight-loss guru Brad Shelford (Don Gilet) will now be rushed out of the way for the wedding. Nevertheless, Charlie agrees to holding the wedding at the hotel, and comes down to meet the Stern family:

Hotel Babylon (S3, E3 - 01)

Just as the family is meeting Charlie, Naomi squeals with delight at the sight of Emily. And now we see how Emily got the wedding for Babylon: she went to school with Naomi. So Emily once again uses her social network to assist the hotel. Which is fine, I guess, but at some point Emily’s going to run out of friends. And we’ll see how well that works. And poor Anna – the girl can smell money. Really. When the Sterns arrive, Anna flits all around them like a butterfly, giggling like a school girl on ether at their jokes, and trying to fit in as best she can (and, of course, she can’t).

Daniel and Charlie go to his office for a chat. Daniel, as a hotel tycoon, gives Charlie a bunch of useless “tips” for running a hotel. Meanwhile, Jackie and the housekeeping crew clear the 9th floor for all the wedding guests… by “inspecting” them with a Geiger counter. They said that some Russian diplomats had stayed in the rooms earlier that week, and that they had possibly been contaminated. In the staff canteen (cafeteria), Jackie and a member of housekeeping staff claim to have cleared the floor in a record 7 minutes. Meanwhile, Charlie comes in and announced that, due to the expected onslaught of tips, that he’s arranging a “trunk” (tip pool) for all the employees so that everyone can make a mint off the wedding. The staff have to decide who to trust with all the money. Geno is out, because the staff thinks he can’t count. Tony volunteers, but Jackie reminds everyone of just how much Tony “looks out for himself”. The staff settle on Ben as the “gatekeeper” for all the money.

Earl Archer soon arrives, and Anna fawns all over him. Emily appears and introduces herself to Earl as the wedding planner. Earl thanks them both, and hands each a couple of £20 notes. Anna is more than happy to take them, but Emily looks slightly annoyed. Her look turns to worry as Daniel shows up. Daniel says that things are hectic, but going well, and that it’s all worth it for his daughter, to which Earl replies that he (Daniel) coddles her too much (and he doesn’t say that in a joking voice, either. He’s serious). The look on Emily’s face says that she’s worried about her friend marrying a jerk. Anna, looking only at dollar and pound signs, is oblivious.

The tips start pouring in as the wedding couple hold a reception. Tony reminds Ben that he’s in charge of the money, and that the staff will “stuff him in the boot of an unmarked car” if anything happens.

Meanwhile, in another part of the hotel, Brad Shelford is holding a pre-book signing pep talk. At the end of the talk, he looks across the room at his girlfriend – a gorgeous blonde, kind of a “prettier Cameon Diaz” – who salutes him. James interrupts the book signing to introduce himself to Shelford and tell him that he’s available any time to discuss his dietary needs. As he’s walking away, Geno and celebrity chef Otto Clark stop him. Isn’t it odd, they wonder, why James, the dedicated epicurean, is so nice to an “anti-food zealot” like Shelford? James shrugs off their concerns. Geno sees Shelford kissing his beautiful girlfriend and wonders what he (Shelford) has that he (Geno) doesn’t.

Tony has a “gut feeling” that something isn’t right with Donald Stern, so he calls a friend to see what’s going on with the hotel magnate. Emily, meanwhile, is sitting at the dinner table with the Stern party, enjoying a rich dinner and champagne. Anna, once again trying to inject herself in with her social betters, attempts to hand Naomi some shoes that have just arrived via courier. Emily tells Anna to take them up to the bride’s room. On her way up, Anna runs into Charlie, who suggests that they “meet” in the bride’s room. Before he goes, though, he takes a long, hard look at Emily partying it up with the guests.

Brad has moved into the bar, where he’s enjoying a drink with his hot girlfriend. Geno starts talking to him, and soon falls under his spell. Brad gives Geno an autographed copy of his book. James comes over to review the menu (and again is strangely defensive of Shelford), when Brad’s girlfriend comes back from the restroom and whispers something in his ear. The two take off upstairs, Brand’s menu still unchosen.

Charlie meets Anna in the bride’s room, where she is admiring Naomi’s wedding dress. The two talk about getting married, and Charlie says that he’s never thought about getting married. Ever. It’s obvious to everyone (except Charlie) that Anna wants to get married. Charlie tells Anna that he wouldn’t want to “change what we have” (a romantic “friends with benefits” situation) with any talk of marriage. You can almost see the wind come out of Anna sails when he tells her this. She’s obviously disappointed, but won’t tell him directly. She bolts from the room as quickly as she can.

Hotel Babylon (S3, E3 - 02)

Geno, apparently, has fallen for Brad’s spiel hook, line and sinker. He uses his time during a break to visit Brad’s website… only to find pictures of James. James, it turns out, used to be quite fat (look for the horrible Photoshop job they did making James fat!). His main weakness was “macaroni cheese”. Geno, of course, shows the entire staff the website, and everyone gets a laugh out of it.

Meanwhile, up in Brad’s room, his girlfriend, Carla, has plans to go out. The two have a heated discussion about it, and it’s made clear that Carla has “been out” many times before. In fact, going out on the town and spending huge wads of Brad’s money seems to be her primary activity. She asks him for some money. He hands her a wad of £20 notes. She says it’s not enough (this is after she spent £8000 on a necklace and £3000 on a ring earlier that day). Brad opens his wallet and hands her some more money. Before putting the wallet away, Brad stops and looks at a picture of his “old family”. Brad, it seems, was married and had a family before. Carla tells him to look at the picture and remember how unhappy he was back then. But was he really that unhappy? He was certainly obese back then… but he had beautiful children and a wife that loved him. James knocks on Brad’s door to ask him once again about the menu. And once again, Brad blows him off. James thanks him for staying at the Babylon, calling himself a “loyal acolyte”.

Otto then catches Ben taking some money from the tip pool. He threatens to tell the rest of the staff… unless Ben hands him £3000 from the tip pool (which is odd, since Otto is a “celebrity chef” and everything). The two have a long conversation where Ben tries to do the right thing but ends up being persuaded by Otto into giving him the money. Otto heads back to the kitchen before leaving, and just then a huge room service order comes in. Otto makes a nasty comment about it and then leaves. James becomes concerned when he hears which room its for. Can Brad be falling off the wagon?

Back at the front desk, Ben tells Anna that tons of complaints have been coming in about noise on the 9th floor. She goes up to check it out. Tony, meanwhile, asks Ben about the tips. Ben says they’re “a bit light”, which Tony doesn’t believe. Tony also knows from people at other hotels that Otto has a gambling problem, and often borrows money from other employees and doesn’t pay them back. Just at that moment, Charlie walks by, and Tony tells him that something is definitely afoot with Donald Stern, and he’ll have all the details later.

Anna goes upstairs to check out the noise… and finds a “hen party” (bachelorette party) in full swing. The bride to be is nearly passed out of the sofa… and who’s the ringleader of the other girls? Yep – Emily. All dressed up in toilet paper (??), she leads the party girls out of the room to “take the party to the street”:

Hotel Babylon (S3, E3 - 03)

I hate her. I especially hate her after she sprayed some hotel guests with a fire extinguisher on the way out to “take the party to the street” (what does a rich, private school graduate know about “the street”, anyway?). Luckily, Jackie and Anna stop her and pull her into an empty guest room to sleep off the drunkening. Emily passes out on the sofa. On the way to the elevators, Anna asks Jackie about Charlie and his feelings about marriage. Jackie tells Anna that Charlie isn’t the marrying type. James, meanwhile, has delivered the room service to Brad. James tries cheering Brad up… mainly by using quotes from Brad’s own books. Brad appears to be happier after the talk… but is he?

The next morning, Jackie and Anna go to wake Emily up. She’s indeed nursing a hangover from hell. As the three of them make small talk, Emily reveals that her father is Damion Rushbie, another British hotel magnate. The three walk down to the staff canteen, where Emily gets a standing ovation for her “performance” the night before. James, having gotten himself a light, sensible breakfast, walks around the dining room… only to see Brad wolfing down a full English breakfast. When James asks Brad what’s going on, he announces that he’s decided to change his life yet again. Brad realized that he was happier when he was fat, so he kicks blondie to the “kerb” and invites his family to the hotel… which is kind of bizarre, because his wife is apparently happy to see him. I don’t know about you, but I don’t know too many big black women that would tearfully embrace a husband that walked out his family as soon as big money and white women came calling… but then maybe that’s just the company I keep.

Otto walks through the front door of the hotel with a giant scowl on his face. Tony sees him and asks if his “winning streak” is continuing. Tony knows who took the money. He’s also found out about Donald Stern, too. Apparently Stern made some huge investments in hotels and resorts in Eastern Europe, and apparently no one in Eastern Europe can afford to stay there. They’re all failing. Badly. So badly, in fact, that Stern is broke. Tony hands Charlie a press release that will be released Monday, announcing Stern’s bankruptcy.

Charlie calls Emily into his office, where he tells her that he’s canceling the wedding and asking the Sterns to leave. Emily is, of course, horrified. Not only are these people A-list guests, they’re her friends. Charlie says that the hotel can get most of their money back by making the guests pay their bills from the night before and also from the £45,000 deposit… only Emily tells Charlie that she waved the deposit! Emily says that they need the wedding, as rich people talk and the wedding will be in the newspapers. Charlie asks her how they’re going to pay for the wedding without the deposit. Emily says that they’ll “do what they least expect”.

Tony then forces Ben to show him the tip pool. It’s obviously light. Ben doesn’t want to rat on Otto, so Tony calls a staff meeting about it. Ben admits to taking £250 for a plane ticket for his mother, so that she can visit his ailing grandmother in Antigua. Geno points out the there’s far more than £250 missing. Tony, who has been watching Ben and Otto like a hawk, takes Ben aside, where he admits that Otto blackmailed him into giving him the £3000.

Charlie takes Donald aside and confirms that he’s not only broke, but that he used Emily to get a decent rate on the hotel and also wave the deposit. Donald claims that no one else in his party knows about it, and that he did it because he loves his daugther and he didn’t want Earl Archer finding out. Charlie isn’t unsympathetic to his situation, and with the ceremony taking place in less than 20 minutes, he feels like he has no choice but to let it go ahead.

Back in the canteen, Tony confronts Otto about the missing money. He denies all knowledge of it at first, but then admits it… just as Charlie walks in and tells everyone to stop arguing over the money – the hotel will keep all the tips to help pay the bill. Tony backs Charlie up, saying that he’s sure that Charlie will work out some form on compensation. And he does – after the wedding dinner (which has been downgraded to “shabby chic” fish & chips), Charlie announces that all of the staff will get a bit of a holiday, as the staff from one of Stern’s hotels will take over two days while the Babylon’s staff enjoy first-class dining, massages, room service… Ahhh, it must be nice!

Otto, by the way, refuses to “put his name” on the fish and chip dinner, and storms out of the restaurant… but not before hacking a plant to death with one of his precious knives (something no real chef would ever do). Good riddance – Otto was a jerk!

The episode ends with Anna leaving the hotel… looking good, too:

Hotel Babylon (S3, E3 - 04)

Charlie stops her in the lobby and tries to talk with her. He asks her if he said anything to offend her. She say no, that he only said what he thought. It’s apparently over between Anna and Charlie.

Wow – that was fast!

Diablo Cody… Topless!

Diablo Cody is a blogger, author and screenwriter that recently won an Academy Award for Best Screenplay for her film Juno. Out of college, her first jobs were doing secretarial work at a Chicago law firm and later proofreading ad copy.

She would turn her time as a secretary into a blog called Red Secretary, which detailed the (fictional) life of am English-challenged secretary living in Belarus, using events directly pulled from, or inspired by, her time at the law firm. She then, on a whim, stripped at an “amateur night” at a Minneapolis strip club. Finding that she enjoyed the experience, she quit her day job and began stripping as a career. This resulted in a book called Candy Girl: A Year in The Life of an Unlikely Stripper. She has since written for several magazines while working on Juno.

Anyway, shortly after the Academy Awards, several nude pictures of her leaked on the Internet. You can see one of them after the jump. Honestly, they’re not all that interesting – aside from the pierced nipples. I’m just posting the picture here for… ahhh… historical reasons:

Continue reading “Diablo Cody… Topless!”

Odette Yustman

Odette Yustman

Wikipedia sez: Odette Juliette Yustman (born May 10, 1985) is an American actress. Yustman was born in Los Angeles, California. According to the actress, her mother, Lydia, is Cuban, and her father, Victor Yustman, is Italian/French born in Bogota, Colombia, and raised in Nicaragua. Yustman is fluent in Spanish.

The Border Fight

As you might know, most of the states in the southeastern United States are gripped in a drought of Biblical proportions. Most locations in those states had a rainfall deficit of around two feet (61cm) – or more – last year. My home state of Georgia was especially hard hit. The city of Atlanta has grown almost uncontrollably in the past two decades, from barely over 1 million residents in the early 1980s to just over 5 million souls today. This has put an incredible strain on the area’s reservoirs. Lake Lanier, the Atlanta area’s main source of water, fell to its lowest level ever in December, 2007. Wikipedia notes that

[T]he record low lake level had revealed parts of the lake bottom not seen since the 1950s, when approximately 700 families were moved from the area to create the lake. An abandoned stretch of Georgia Highway 53 ran along one edge of new shoreline, and concrete foundations from homes and part of what was once the Gainesville’s Looper Speedway were uncovered. More recent additions to the lake including discarded trash, boat batteries and even sunken boats were discovered, and local efforts to clean up the lake bottom were organized. Several automobiles, some stolen, and also discarded firearms were also recovered by law enforcement officials.

Georgia is rapidly running out of options to bolster its dwindling supply of fresh water. Things are so bad, in fact, that the Georgia legislature is looking to a historical anomaly for help: its border with Tennessee.

When Tennessee was admitted into the Union in 1796, the United States Congress declared the border between Tennessee and Georgia to be the 35th parallel. In 1818, a surveying team was sent out to mark the border. The team made a surveying mistake which caused Tennessee’s border to be extended south by 1 mile. A mile might not sound like much, but it makes a huge difference: the Tennessee River makes a bend in the area that should belong to Georgia, and if the state had access to this sliver of land, it could go a long way in helping out Georgia’s water situation.

GA\TN Border Dispute

Tennessee lawmakers have made light of the situation, but Georgia is, apparently, deadly serious about the matter. The legislation passed by the Georgia legislature orders Governor Sonny Perdue to set up a “border commission” to investigate the matter, and to pursue the matter all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

What the Supreme Court might think about the matter is anyone’s guess: although the (incorrect) border has been recognized by both Georgia and Tennessee for almost 200 years, this isn’t the first time Georgia has challenged the border. Georgia previously made half-hearted attempts to correct the error in the 1880s and 1940s. And although Tennessee adopted the 1818 survey results as law, Georgia never has. In fact, according to Georgia law, the border with Tennessee always was (and still is) the 35th parallel.

It’s also unclear how long it would take the Supreme Court to rule on such a matter. Although the Court has original jurisdiction in matters between the states, the Court could opt to appoint a “special master” as a fact-finder. So the dispute could go on for years. Peter Appel, an associate professor at the University of Georgia School of Law, says that both sides have good arguments: “On one hand, where the boundary was set in 1818, the states have been living with it for all that time. On the other hand, the survey is off, and the fact that time has passed doesn’t mean a state has ceded the land. It’s a really tough one to speculate on.”

What’s really interesting is to consider what would happen if the Supreme Court decides in favor of Georgia. Several small Tennessee towns – East Ridge, East Brainerd, and St. Elmo – would be swallowed whole into Georgia. Residents of parts of Chattanooga and East Ridge would become Georgians, and a large chunk of Memphis would become part of Mississippi. A large chunk of Lookout Mountain would also become part of Georgia. It’s worth nothing that the Supreme Court would definitely take the chaos any border change would cause into account.

But even if Georgia did get its original border back, that doesn’t necessarily mean that water would instantly flow – the Tennessee Valley Authority would have to approve any widescale tapping of the Tennessee River, even if the land were to become Georgia territory. It’s not at all clear how the TVA would rule in that situation. One would think that the petition would be denied, but then Georgia could take them to court over “sour grapes”.

Finding a Remote MAC Address

It’s not often that you’ll need to know the MAC address of a networked device. Maybe you want to set up a MAC filter for your wireless network (which is pointless, since MAC addresses are sent in clear text, but I digress). Or maybe you want to set up QoS rules on your router. In any event, you need the MAC address for a device, but you just don’t want to walk all the way across the house to get it… or maybe the device is difficult to get to – perhaps locked away in a server room, and you don’t have a key.

All you need to do to get the remote IP address is to ping the device (Start > Run > CMD > ping [ip address]) and then run the ARP -A command at the command-prompt:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\jcofer>arp -a

Interface: — 0x10003
Internet Address Physical Address Type aa-fb-c8-34-da-7a dynamic

Windows will make a list of all the computers you have connected to recently. As you can see in the example above, my local IP address is The only computer I’ve connected to lately was – which has a MAC address of aa-fb-c8-34-da-7a.

BREAKING: Brett Favre Retires!

From here:

GREEN BAY, Wis. — Brett Favre has decided to retire from the NFL after 17 seasons.

FOX Sports first reported today that the Green Bay Packers quarterback informed the team in the last few days. ESPN.com said that according to Favre’s agent, Bus Cook, the quarterback told coach Mike McCarthy of his decision.

Cook said in a phone interview today with The Associated Press’ Jackson, Miss., bureau that Favre told him the news Monday night .

“Nobody pushed Favre out the door but then nobody encouraged him not to go out that door either,” said Cook.

He said Favre was tired and “the Packers have got future plans and whether those plans included Brett I don’t know. ”

Holy Crap!

From this article on Yahoo Sports:

PITTSBURGH (AP)—Ben Roethlisberger signed an eight-year extension worth $102 million with the Pittsburgh Steelers that makes him one of the NFL’s highest-paid players.

The deal includes more than $36 million guaranteed, and keeps Roethlisberger with the Steelers through 2015.

“Ben has been an outstanding leader on the field for the Steelers since his rookie year and we are very happy to know that he will be our quarterback for many years to come,” Steelers president Art Rooney II said Monday in a statement.

Roethlisberger turned 26 on Sunday and said the contract was a great birthday present.

“This is about being a Pittsburgh Steeler for as long as I can be. I love Pittsburgh,” Roethlisberger said. He said he “wanted to be like the Dan Marinos, like the John Elways, guys who played with one team their whole career.”

The Pro Bowl quarterback led the Steelers to a Super Bowl victory two years ago and has been the starter in all four of seasons he’s been with the team.

Roethlisberger threw 32 touchdown passes with only 11 interceptions in leading the Steelers to the playoffs this season, bouncing back from an injury-marred season.

He was hurt in a serious motorcycle accident in the 2006 offseason, then underwent an appendectomy. Although he started 15 games, his play was subpar. He threw 23 interceptions, three more than he had thrown in his first two seasons, and Pittsburgh failed to make the playoffs.

This season, he led the Steelers to a 10-6 record and the AFC North title before they were eliminated by Jacksonville in the playoffs.

Roethlisberger was the third quarterback taken in the ‘04 draft, behind Eli Manning and Philip Rivers, and the 11th choice overall. He started 13 games his rookie season and was voted offensive rookie of the year, the first quarterback to win the award since it was first given in 1957. The next year he led the Steelers to a Super Bowl victory.

Ashes to Ashes: Season 1, Episode 4

Another Thursday, another episode of Ashes to Ashes! This week’s episode, while far from perfect, was a vast improvement over last week’s snoozer. This episode almost had it all: murder, adultery, spies, nuclear weapons… and angry female communists! Let’s get right to the recap, shall we?

A body is found in an abandoned warehouse in the Docklands area of London. At first, DCI Hunt and crew think that they’ve discovered a suicide, as the man appeared to fall from the top of the warehouse’s giant staircase. This notion is quickly dismissed by Ray, who finds blood and scuff marks on the floor upstairs, and also by a forensic examiner, who notes blunt force trauma to the man’s head and green wool under his nails, as if he’d grabbed someone’s clothes to try and stop his fall.

The man had no ID on him, so Hunt and crew take the man’s diary back to the station, where Ray notes several references to something called “RWF”. Drake takes the diary and finds a hidden compartment, where she finds a small piece of paper with some type of code on it… as well as her mother’s phone number, which she stealthily puts into her back pocket. Drake then goes to have another look at the body, only to find that it’s already been picked up by the coroner. The lab technician said that the men from the coroner’s office have only just left, so Alex rushes to the loading dock to find several shady men loading the body into a white van. The men seem to be led by a creepy-looking guy in a black Mercedes. None of them reply to Alex when she tries talking to them – they simply finish loading the van and drive away. Come to find out, the quick removal of the body was ordered by the Home Office. Alex thinks that this is strange, but Gene Hunt isn’t worried. In fact, he doesn’t really think much at all about it. While Alex and Gene are arguing about what Home Office involvement means in the case, Chris enters. They’ve identified the body as one Martin Kennedy.

Alex then has lunch with Evan White at Luigi’s. Amusingly, Luigi doesn’t know that White is Alex’s godfather, and thinks the two are on a date. He lavishes them with attention, and gives Alex knowing winks and free drinks. Alex asks White if he knows Martin Kennedy, or if Kennedy was a client of his firm. White denies any knowledge of him. Alex asks if he thinks Tim and Caroline Price (her parents, and the two main partners at the firm) know Kennedy. White tells Alex to ask Caroline herself.

Back at the station, Hunt sits in his (strangely quiet) office, carefully examining a key that was found on Kennedy, as well as the piece of paper with the code on it:

Ashes to Ashes (Ep 4, 1)

Hunt knows that Desk Sergeant Viv James (Geff Francis) is constantly doing crosswords and other puzzles, so he hands him the code and asks him to have a whack at it (by the way: thanks to Francis and the writers for not making Viv another magic negro character). As Drake walks with Alex back to his office, he tells her that Kennedy worked part time as a security guard at a secret nuclear weapons research site at Edgehampton. This sets Alex off: Home Office involvement, secret weapons research sites, codes… just then, Chris and Ray walk up to Gene and Alex. They’re really happy with themselves, as they’ve figured out what “RWF” stands for. Just as they’re about to reveal what it is, Shaz says “RWF? The Revolutionary Workers Front?” – thus spoiling Chris and Ray’s big reveal. Chris and Ray say that RWF are having a meeting today at the Red Lion pub, so the boys take off to see what they can find out.

Alex decides to instead visit her mother to see what she knows about Kennedy. It’s a touching scene, as it’s the first time she’s been “home” since she traveled back in time. There are a lot of soft-focus shots of a young Alex playing in the front yard (including lifting a rock to get a key – will this be important later?). Caroline leads Alex to the family room, where Caroline and Evanare enjoying glasses of wine and (how’s this for early 80s) Danish blue cheese. Caroline reveals that she hired Kennedy to do some odd jobs – and nothing more. Alex asks Caroline if she knew that Kennedy worked at the Edgehampton weapons facility. Caroline says that “he might have mentioned it”, but doesn’t seem to know much more than that. Caroline’s spidey sense is tingling though – as one of Britain’s most prominent left-wing lawyers, Caroline is quick to assign anything awful to the government. She tells Alex to “tread carefully”.

Alex thanks her and excuses herself to go to the toilet. However, she instead goes up to her room, where she has a loving reunion with some of her old possessions – a book, her roller skates, a Shakin’ Stevens cassette… and her diary. Here’s another possible plot twist: young Alex hid her diary in the fireplace of her bedroom. Older Alex knows this, and she pulls it down and starts reading it. Caroline then walks in on older Alex, who stammers and apologizes for being nosy. Caroline seems surprised to see the diary, as if she had no idea that it even existed. Although she swears to Alex that she hasn’t read it, we’re left wondering if Caroline’s “discovery” of the diary will have implications in the future. Or past. You know what I mean.

Meanwhile, the boys have reached the Red Lion. At first, they stand in the back of the room quietly as a female speaker rails against neutron bombs, Ronald Reagan’s research into them, Margaret Thatcher’s approval of them, and their inevitable appearance on British soil. The crowd, consisting only of women, cheers with delight as the speaker asks them to “join our European sisters” against the weapons. A woman at the front of the crowd tells the speaker not to bring gender into it, and she doesn’t see the need to “make it some petty bourgeois ‘Mothers Against The Bomb’ crap”. The speaker continues on with her left-wing gender politics, at one point saying “woman have a voice that needs to be heard!!!” In one of the funniest moments of Ashes to Ashes so far, Hunt then yells “Don’t we get enough of that?” over the crowd, flashes his badge, and starts rounding up the women… as Duran Duran’s “Girls On Film” starts playing in the background.

The leftists are taken back to the station. Ray, clueless that a woman can be smarter than himself, becomes furious as he goes ’round and ’round in questioning an uncooperative leftist. Chris, on the other hand, is having an earnest conversation with another of the leftists, and quickly becomes convinced that he’s a part of the “capitalist patriarchy stained with the blood of oppressed women”. Or some such. Those two are so funny! Hunt isn’t having much luck either. As he questions one of the women, she calls him a fascist for threatening her. Hunt, in one of his classic lines, says “I’m trying to find out who murdered this man. If that makes he a fascist then Heil bloody Hitler!” The women then begin an anti-Thatcher rally inside the police station. Not much has come from all this, aside from a frazzled Gene and Ray… and some photographs of an RWF meeting held the same night as Kennedy’s murder.

Later that night, Alex gets a phone call at home. The caller doesn’t say anything, and only a crackling can be heard on the phone line. Alex immediately suspects that he phone is tapped – which is interesting because: a) you’d think that spy agencies would be more subtle than to call someone who’s phone line they’ve tapped, and b) Alex immediately thinks “wire tap” and not “contact from 2008”, as Sam Tyler might have in Life On Mars. In any case, she returns to work the next day, more certain than ever that some huge conspiracy is afoot. Alex and Gene then have this classic exchange:

Gene: There is no conspiracy. Contrary to what commie nutters believe and what you’ve seem to have forgotten is that this is the home of bloody democracy, Land of Hope and Glory, Rule Britannia, roast beef and Yorkshire pud and a square deal for all. If the government are keeping secrets, it’s probably for our own bloody good.

Alex: You are so naive.

Gene: And you are really pissing me off. The British government does not go around throwing people off the tops of buildings…

Alex: Kennedy worked part time at a top secret weapons research center, joined a left-wing group… suddenly he’s murdered and his body goes missing…

Gene: Spies do not wear camo and keep girlie mags under their beds. They’re too busy sipping claret and touching each other’s posh todges. You probably know some of them. This is a murder inquiry.

Alex: One that could already be compromised. They could be watching us right now!

Gene: And when they come, they’ll be wearing white coats and carrying a straightjacket and it won’t be my bloody size!

Chris then enters Hunt’s office and announces that Kennedy was indeed a spy… because he was broke. I’m not sure I quite follow that. Anyway, Sergeant James finds Drake and tells her that the “code” is a cipher, and that he’s figured out a word from it: Artemis. Alex mentions that Artemis was the “goddess of the hunt”, which makes Ray ask if “that’s who you are – the goddess of the hunt?” Chris, still under the influence of the leftist feminists mentions that it’s a “potent symbol of female power”. She asks Ray and Chris whether they’ve noticed anyone following them. The two seem confused, so she gives them a crash course in surveillance.

A few minutes later, Alex finds Hunt, who has found out about Kennedy’s odd jobs work. The two decide to check out Kennedy’s workshop… but are “tailed” by Chris and Ray, who do such an awful job tracking Hunt and Drake that Gene knows from the start that they’re being tailed:

Ashes to Ashes (Ep 4, 2)

At the workshop, Gene uses the mysterious key to open a locked chest. Inside he finds some garden variety porn… and pictures of Caroline and Evan having sex! They’re blackmail pictures, apparently. The gang decide to pay Caroline a visit. Alex, as you might imagine, is furious with her mother for cheating on her dad. But of course, she can’t tell her mom why. Caroline denies paying Kennedy any hush money and also reveals that her husband still does not know of the affair, since he is away in America. How convenient, Gene thinks, that Kennedy ended up dead before he had a chance to contact Caroline’s husband. Alex then screams herself red at Caroline, then storms out into the hallway to try an to calm herself down. There she suddenly remembers, as a child, seeing Caroline and Evan embracing. Alex returns to the parlor, where Caroline mentions that Kennedy might have tried selling the pictures to “another buyer”. As left-wing, anti-government lawyers they have many enemies… especially at MI-5. Foreshadowing, perhaps?

Back at the station, Evan shows up for questioning. Hunt begins with his standard “bad cop” schtick, when Alex suddenly jumps in on a more personal level. Alex keeps “chatting” with Evan as she escorts him out of the building. Evan assures Alex that he and Caroline’s “relationship” is over. He begins to walk away, and, as Alex turns to walk back into the building, she sees the “Mercedes man” leaving. Alex rushes back inside and asks Viv what the man wanted. He says that the man identified himself as “DC Baker from Kennington”, and that he picked up some evidence related to the Kennedy case.

Alex rushes to the evidence room, only to find Kennedy’s diary gone. She hightails it to Hunt’s office, and asks if he has the diary. When Gene says that he does not, Alex closes the blinds and cranks up the radio (as an anti-surveillance measure). She says that she now has proof that something’s going on: DC Baker from Kennington is a 25 year-old female, while the person that picked up the evidence is a man in his 40s. Gene is finally convinced that a conspiracy is afoot. The two move to the kitchenette, where they talk over a running tap (running water camouflages conversations). Shaz interrupts them to tell them that the RWF had several charges against them, and all were handled by… Tim Price.

As an amusing sidenote… does anyone else remember the poster behind Gene in this scene:

Ashes to Ashes (Ep 4, 3)

Gene and Alex decide to question Sara Templeton, the leader of the RWF. With Kennedy now connected to them by Tim Price, Alex notes that Kennedy – a worker and a secret weapons lab – could be quite valuable to a left-wing group. As the two are leaving, Viv stops them to tell them that he’s cracked the code. The paper is apparently a list of old Tube station names. Sara then meets Gene and Alex at a pub, where she readily admits that she used Kennedy to get information about the weapons lab. She says that they found a document called “Artemis” that would prove that the British government was working on a neutron bomb, but that Kennedy was killed before they could actually get their hands on the document.

Hunt and Drake go back to Caroline’s house, where she admits that she knows about Kennedy and Templeton’s shenanigans, and that Kennedy’s connection to the RWF might have made him a target for British intelligence services. Alex shows Caroline the list of Tube station names. Caroline says that Edgehampton has many underground levels, and each named after a former Tube station name. Later on, at home, Alex wonders if she’s been sent back in time to save her parents, who were killed in 1981 when a bomb was planted under their car. Poor Alex – she really doesn’t have any idea what’s going on, does she?

And so – Gene and Alex do the only logical thing… infiltrate the weapons lab! Gene takes Kennedy’s ID and pastes his picture over it. Which is kind of amusing, if you think about it. Nowadays, “modern” identification cards use watermarks, holograms, RFID chips and such… and yet, all Gene needs is a photo booth picture of himself and some glue to get into a top secret military base! Anyway, Gene and Alex are successful in infiltrating the base – mostly due to Gene’s purposeful gait, I’m convinced – the two find the “Artemis” document. However, they’re almost caught when a soldier passes by. Alex, in a panic, closes the airtight vault, thus locking herself in with Gene. The two are trapped for some time, and it begins to get hot in the vault. Gene starts sweating like a pig, so he starts unbuttoning his shirt. Alex is initially repulsed, but as it gets hotter, she does the same.


Ashes to Ashes (Ep 4, 4)

While Gene and Alex are locked in the vault, Ray comes back from a date with “one of the commie girls”… and he’s carrying a green jumper (sweater). On his date, Ray found out that Sara had borrowed the sweater from his date, and that she (Sara) was late to the meeting the night of Kennedy’s murder. In the photographs taken of that night (which we’d seen earlier), Sara is the only one not wearing a heavy sweater or coat, as she’d given the sweater back to its owner.

Chris and Ray bring Sara in for questioning, and she breaks under their “good cop, bad cop” routine. Ray then notices the time. Knowing that Gene should have been back by now, he and Chris go to the weapons lab. Somehow (it’s never shown how) they infiltrate the lab and free Alex and Gene. They all then go back to the station, where Sara admits that she killed Kennedy, but says she did it in self defense. She slept with him to get the information about “Artemis”. He then demanded money, and when she refused he raped her. Caroline comes to the station, ostensively to defend Sara. During a talk with Alex, however, Caroline admits that the whole thing was a set-up, and that she was one that wanted the information. Which makes sense, really. Who’s the average person going to believe? A bunch of hippy-like left-wing radicals, or a well respected, but anti-establishment, lawyer? Alex, disgusted with Caroline, gives the incriminating pictures (with negatives) back to Caroline for some reason. As Alex is leaving the building, Evan comes to her and says that it’s “completely over” with Caroline. He seems to be telling her this so he can get a date with Alex, but she quickly cuts him off.

Alex and Gene meet up at Luigi’s… where they’re joined by the mysterious “Mercedes Man”, who, in fact, does work for the Security Services. The man said that he’d had his eye on Kennedy for a while, and that “something is missing” from the vault. Gene doesn’t admit to taking anything, only that they’d better fix up security at the site. The man asks Gene to return the “thing” if he comes across it. Gene locked the “Artemis” file in his desk as he was leaving for Luigi’s. Will it still be there in the morning?


Spandau Ballet – “To Cut A Long Story Short”
Shakin’ Stevens – “Green Door”
Duran Duran – “Girls On Film”
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark – “Enola Gay”
The Clash – “London Calling”
Human League – “Love Action”
The Teardrop Explodes – “Reward”
The Clash – “Police and Thieves”