Chicago-style Pizza!

With all due respect to the people of the great city of New York, Chicago pizza is the best stuff on the face of the earth! I love the crust’s cornmeal taste as well as the overall heft of these pies! This is deep dish, baby!

Unfortunately, making one of these pizzas by yourself at home can be an all-day process. The last time I made one – for my family’s Christmas Eve “Wrapping Party” – it took around four hours to make this from start to finish. But this is a labor of love; after all, any jackass with a phone and $20 can call Pizza Hut, but making a pie worthy of Gino’s East or Lou Malnati’s is something to be proud of!

Beware that you will need a deep dish pizza pan for this recipe; although you can buy a deep dish pan anywhere, I heartily recommend the Chicago Metallic brand, because they are the company that supplies Gino’s East. For what it’s worth, I bought my pan here and have no complaints about the service or price.

Continue reading “Chicago-style Pizza!”

Quick and Easy Paella!

This recipe is something I whipped up all by myself several years ago with things we had just lying around the kitchen. The true beauty of paella – like jambalaya – is that you can add just about anything to the basic ingredients listed below. If you have some leftover chicken or smoked sausage you can add this in step 4 below. How authentic is this recipe? Not very! But it’s good, cheap, easy and quick – just like me!


1 10oz. bag of yellow rice mix
1 6.5oz. can tiny shrimp
1 6.5oz. can chopped clams
1 4oz. can octopus (in oil), drained and rinsed
1 2.25oz. can sliced black olives, drained
1 tbs. pimentos, for color
Handful of frozen English peas or capers  (10-20), for color


1 large pot, with tight-fitting lid
1 large spoon
1 can opener
1 measuring cup

1) Open and drain shrimp and clams, reserving clam juice into a measuring cup.

2) Add water to reserved juice, sufficient for manufacturer’s directions to cook rice (usually 3 cups).

3) Bring liquid to boil.

4) When water boils, add rice mix FIRST, stir well, then all other ingredients except seafood.

5) Stir while boiling for one minute.

6) Cover and simmer per rice mix directions (usually 20-25 min).

7) Around 5 minutes before rice mixture is done, add seafood ingredients.

For more authentic flavor, season with adobo seasoning (available at better markets and Hispanic shops) instead of salt. Also, you might consider putting the shrimp and clams ONLY in ice water for 10 minutes or so to “refresh” flavor before adding them to the paella.

Bavarian Skillet!

I found this recipe on the back of a bag of Mahatma Rice back in the mid-1980s. It’s a good thing that I wrote it down, because it doesn’t appear anywhere on Mahatma’s online recipe archive! It’s quick, easy and delicious. Although the “German-ness” of this dish is slightly suspect, you do get a great taste of German cuisine with this dish. Plus – like most of my other favorite dishes – it only requires one skillet!  You can’t go wrong there!


1 lb. bratwurst, weißwurst, bäuernwurst (or other German-style sausage)
1 cup chopped onion
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 cup sauerkraut
2 cups water
1 cup uncooked rice
2 teaspoons mustard
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1½ teaspoons salt
½ teaspoon caraway seed
Pepper (to taste)
Nutmeg (to taste)


1 knife
1 cutting board
1 skillet
1 large spoon
1 meat thermometer

The first thing you need to do is determine if the sausages you’re using are raw pork or are fully-cooked. Look carefully at the wrapper the sausages came in – if the package says “fully cooked” or “heat and eat”, you’ll only need to heat them enough to “crisp” the casings. If you DO NOT see those words, you must assume that they contain raw pork! Raw pork sausages will take at least 15 minutes to cook – make sure that they get to at least 160° before you add the remaining ingredients. Also, fully-cooked sausages can be easily sliced before heating; if you’re using these, go ahead and cut sausage against the bias into one-inch slices before cooking. If you’re using raw sausages, don’t try to slice them until after they’re done cooking – otherwise you’ll have a mess on your hands! Let them cook and cool off a bit before slicing them!

1) Brown sausage in skillet, making sure to follow the advice above.

2) Add the onion and garlic to the sausages, sautéing a couple of minutes until crisp.

3) Stir in all other ingredients, bringing to a boil. Cover, simmering at low heat for around thirty minutes.

Honey Mustard Chicken

I am *not* a fan of “honey mustard” anything. I think this is because most commercial honey mustard sauces taste more like corn syrup than either honey or mustard. But this dish is the exception. I was looking for something quick and easy and came across this recipe – which doesn’t get much quicker or simpler. But I ended up being blown away by how good a real homemade honey mustard sauce tastes! Even if you think you don’t like honey mustard, this dish will make a believer out of you!


1lb. chicken thighs or breasts
Wholegrain mustard (it must be wholegrain)


1 small bowl
1 spoon
1 measuring cup
1 brush
1 8″x8″ glass baking dish
Cooking spray

1) Preheat oven to 350F and lightly spray baking dish with cooking spray.

2) Trim excess fat off chicken, then place in the baking dish.

3) Mix 1/2 cup mustard and 1/2 cup honey in a small bowl and add salt and pepper to taste.

4) Gently brush mixture over the chicken.

5) Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until internal temperature reaches 160F.

6) Baste occasionally with sauce from pan.

7) Spoon sauce from dish over the chicken before serving.

Coca Cola Pork Chops

Coca Cola is ubiquitous here in the South. Not only is a refreshing drink, it shows up in desserts (Coke floats, Coca Cola cakes) and even main dishes like the one below. Pork chops cooked in Coca Cola, ketchup and brown sugar end up tasting a lot like slow-cooked Carolina barbeque. In fact, the sauce that ends up in the pan when this dish is done is just heavenly! And it only takes around 10 minutes of prep time to put this together!


4 thick-cut pork chops
Coca Cola
Brown sugar


1 small bowl
1 spoon
1 measuring cup
1 8″x8″ glass baking dish

1) Preheat oven to 350F.

2) Place the pork chops in the baking dish.

3) Mix 1/2 cup ketchup and 1/2 cup Coca Cola in a small bowl.

4) Pour Coca Cola\ketchup mixture over the chops.

5) Sprinkle a handful of brown sugar over the chops.

6) Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until internal temperature reaches 160F.

7) Spoon sauce from dish over the chops before serving.

Got some leftover chops? Put ’em over fried rice and pour remaining sauce over them for a delicious “quasi-Polynesian” treat!

Miss Lisa’s Cheese Biscuits!

My hunny makes these awesome cheese biscuits for family gatherings and parties. The amazing thing about them is that there are any left to take to the party after she’s done making them! Lisa and I both wait near the oven and greedily munch these things up by the handful when they’re done!


1 lb. grated cheese
1 lb. softened butter
3 cups flour
¼ tbsp. salt
cayenne pepper (to taste)
A splash of milk (see below)


1 large mixing bowl
Parchment paper
Cookie sheet(s)

1) Preheat oven to 425F.

2) Mix all ingredients (except the milk) together, but don’t over-mix. Once you’ve done so, you’ll probably find that the mixture is too dry to make any kind of “dough”. If so, add tiny amounts of milk – a little as you possibly can – until the mixture holds together.

3) Place parchment on a cookie sheet, then put the biscuits on them. You can simply spoon them on the paper one at a time, or you can cut the corner off a Ziploc bag and pipe the dough into lengths if you wanna get all fancy.

4) Bake at 425 for about 8 minutes.

Clam Dip!

If you like seafood, you’ll love this dip! It’s been a hit at family functions and Super Bowl parties for years!


2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese
2 (8 ounce) cans minced clams, drained
3 green onions, finely chopped
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 (1 pound) loaf round sourdough bread


1 mixing bowl
1 knife
1 spatula *or* latex gloves (see below)

1) Preheat oven to 350F.

2) In a mixing bowl, combine cream cheese, green onions, clams and lemon juice.

3) Cut the top out of the bread and hollow the bread out.

4) Pour the clam mixture into the bread bowl. You can use a spatula for this, but I prefer just using my hands, as I can easily mold the cream cheese mixture to fit all the nooks and crannies of the bread. I also prefer wearing latex gloves when doing this – not only is it more sanitary, it’s just less messy for me when I wear the gloves!

5) Place the top back on the bread bowl and bake for 60 minutes.

6) Serve with the bread you removed from the loaf when hollowing it out.

Scotch Eggs

Leave it to the Scots to take something somewhat healthy – the hardboiled egg – and make it as unhealthy as possible! Having said that, if you’ve never had a Scotch Egg, you’ve just GOTTA try one… they’re absolutely delicious!


1 pound bulk pork sausage
1 tablespoon fresh chopped parsley
1 tablespoon grated onion (or onion powder)
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
4 hard-cooked eggs (shelled)
1/2 cup fine dry breadcrumbs


1 bowl
1 glass baking dish

1) Preheat oven to 350F.

2) Combine sausage, parsley, onion, cinnamon and nutmeg; mix well.

3) Divide sausage mixture into 4 portions; shape into patties.

4) Place one egg atop each patty, shaping the sausage mixture around egg till completely covered.

5) Roll each sausage-covered egg in breadcrumbs.

6) Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

Waikiki Meatballs

Although this dish was probably invented for luaus and summertime backyard barbeques, the great taste and awesome aroma of this dish will be appreciated at parties year ’round!

I found a version of the recipe below on the Internet. One cool thing about it is that it uses frozen meatballs, whereas just about every other recipe I could find uses fresh meatballs. I don’t know about you, but the thought of making 70 or 80 meatballs by hand is simply too much. On the other hand, if you want to make it all from scratch, you can – just find a good meatball recipe and combine it with this.

Also, this recipe is very flexible. You can make it the day before and reheat it on the stovetop or in a slow cooker, you can make it several hours beforehand and let the Crock Pot do all the work for you… or you could even make it straightaway for your guests! Just be sure to have lots of toothpicks – these meatballs will be POPULAR!

Continue reading “Waikiki Meatballs”

Delaying Vista Activation

Windows Vista comes with the same annoying “product activation” that Windows XP does… but with one crucial difference. Vista has the hidden ability to reset the activation countdown timer up to four times. So instead of the 30 days of activation-free use that Windows XP offers, you can get as much as 120 days with Windows Vista. This was especially welcome news to me, as I needed to add an extra gig of RAM to my system to make Vista run a bit more smoothly. I’d had Vista installed for 28 days now, and so had only 2 days left before activation was required. Because local RAM prices were completely insane, I had to order the memory online. And since I would have had to activate Vista in 2 days, I would have had to pay insane amounts of money for overnight shipping. But with this trick, I just reset the countdown timer and had an extra 30 days to worry about it.

To reset the activation counter in Windows Vista:

1. Click on the Start button and and type “Cmd” (without quotes) in Start Search box. DO NOT press enter yet!
2. Press on Ctrl+Shift+Enter to open Command Prompt (this is crucial, as it allows the following commands to run as the local Administrator).
3. At the command prompt, type slmgr -rearm and then press the ENTER key.
4. Type EXIT and press the ENTER key to exit the command prompt, then reboot your computer.

When you come back from the reboot, you should now have 30 full days to use Vista again before you have to activate. You can run the rearm command up to 4 times, giving you a total of 120 days of Vista use before you are required to activate the OS. It’s important to understand that this command will reset the counter back to 30 days only; if you currently have 15 days left and run this command, you’ll have 30 days left before activation\rearming is required – not 45 days.