Morley and Me

The history of television advertising – and especially product placement – is kind of interesting.

In the 1940s, shows were often sponsored by companies, so viewers could tune in to The Philco TV Playhouse or The Texaco Star Theater or The Voice of Firestone. Full sponsorship fell out of favor in the 1950s, to be replaced by “in-show” commercials, where actors would suddenly break out of character to endorse a product. For instance, two neighbors might go to the backyard to start a grill for a cookout, and one character would observe how fast and evenly the charcoal fired up. The other character would agree, then turn to the camera and tell the audience it was because he used Kingsford Charcoal, “the very best money could buy”. He’d pitch the product for 20-30 seconds, and then return to character.

This, too, had fallen out of fashion by the 1960s, when the standard 30 second commercial we know (and hate?) became the norm. But this put prop masters in a pickle: advertising often wouldn’t be sold until after a show had been filmed. Prop masters had no idea if Coke or Pepsi would end up buying ads for the show, so it didn’t make sense for a character to prominently use either drink. After all, if Beaver Cleaver was seen enjoying a Pepsi, Coke probably wouldn’t want to advertise on the show, right?

The solution was fictional brands. Since these fake products only existed in films and TV, there was no need to worry about irritating potential advertisers. Fake products also, in a way, liberated creators of movies and TV: although in most cases companies didn’t mind having their products used in the media, negative portrayals of their product could trigger a legal case over trademark use. For example, a TV show about a serial rapist and killer who loves Pepsi might anger Pepsi executives enough to sue for making their product look bad. So, by using fake products, this issue is avoided completely. And, in some locales, “product placement” might be banned completely. Until recently, Canada and the UK prohibited the practice on television, so fake products weren’t an option; they were the only option.

Some of these fake products were totally original, and looked different from any actual product on the market. Usually, however, the products looked a lot like a popular product. And no fake product ever looked more like its real-world counterpart, and was used in more productions, than Morley cigarettes.

*     *     *

Philip Morris introduced the Marlboro brand in 1924 as a cigarette for women. Like most women’s cigarettes of the day, Marlboros had filters. In fact, Marlboros originally came with red filters to disguise lipstick marks! Since only women’s cigarettes had filters, men shunned them. So, for a long time, men only smoked unfiltered cigarettes and women mostly smoked filtered cigarettes.

Continue reading “Morley and Me”

Top 10 Tunes

From the home office in London, here’s this week’s list of Top 10 songs!

1) Lana del Rey – “Video Games”
2) Marsheaux – “Pure”
3) Marsheaux – “The Promise”
4) Nina Gordon – “Straight Outta Compton”
5) Marsheaux – “Summer”
6) Marsheaux – “Stand By”
7) Marsheaux – “Destroy Me”
8) Joy Division – “Disorder”
9) Freezepop – “Pop Music is Not a Crime”
10) Marsheaux – “Faith”

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-15

  • Let's go Falcons! 🙂 #
  • @Ihnatko POWs get due process now? #
  • And, once again, Ike Taylor screws over the Steelers. That guy is approaching "The Quarterback Who Must Not Be Named" status. #
  • @john_simm Welcome to Twitter, John! #
  • There's a difference between losing and getting your ass beat. LSU, you just got your ass beat. Bad. #
  • Caught a bit of NPR today and remembered why I don't listen to them any more. (more) #
  • Heard a story about [fake French accent] "Nee-ko-lahs Sahr-koh-ZEE" and [fake German accent] "Ahn-gel-uh Mehr-Khul". (more) #
  • I GET what they're tryong to do, but you come off sounding like a pretentious college douchebag instead of a serious reporter. #
  • My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Saint Etienne (21), Marsheaux (15) & Cocteau Twins (14) #
  • Almost caught up with #HellOnWheels #
  • @ginnygoodwin Thick can mean "In with or with deep". Thieves tend to stick together due to their profession, hence "thick as thieves". #
  • No, Google… I'm searching for BETTY BOO, not BETTY BOOP. Idiots. #
  • @DrPizza hehehe It was one of those "wonder what the hell this person is up to" moments! 🙂 #
  • Let's go Aints! #
  • Hate that SF won… But WOW! What a game! #
  • I'm 40 years old. You'd think I'd have learned that musical guests sound like crap on SNL. But no. #
  • Woo-Hoo! #MadMen will premiere on March 25 with a 2-hour episode! Can't wait! #
  • @1outside Yep, it's official! The downside: I'm having friends fly in from NL a few days after that, then we're going on holiday. #
  • @1outside I dunno what'll happen to the recaps! 🙁 #

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Introducing Marsheaux!

I’d never even heard of the Greek electropop band Marsheaux until the middle of last November. But since then I’ve listened to them 304 times according to, an average of five songs a day. Heck, I’ve even become one of their “top listeners” on

Marsheaux LastfmSo… what’s the appeal? Well opinions about music vary, of course. But if you’re a fan of female-led, throwback 80s electropop, Marsheaux is Leonardo Da Vinci, Babe Ruth, Michael Jordan and Albert Einstein all rolled in to one. Check out “Summer”, the track that initially caught my ear:

Beats, beauty, atmosphere… it’s all there! The music… almost seems like a musical security blanket. Or a pair of comfy slippers. Or a favorite old sweater. Or a hot bowl of chili on a cold winter’s night (substitute your favorite soup as needed). Check out this tune, “Stand By”, also from the album Lumineux Noir:

Cool, hip, beautiful… what more is there to say? The band also does a few covers, too. Here’s their version of When In Rome’s “The Promise”:

Here’s one last tune, an older song of theirs called “Dream of a Disco”, which sounds like a beautiful, updated Flock of Seagulls:

The band, whose name comes from the first syllables of the band member’s names – Marianthi Melitsi and Sophie Sarigiannidou – really is all kinds of awesome! Check out their MySpace page here and their page here.

RIGHTING THE WRONGS: The “Twinkie Defense”

Growing up in the 1970s, vicious rumors abounded about Twinkies snack cakes. If one ate 10,000 Twinkies, so the schoolyard story went, you’d go crazy and kill someone! The story changed a bit later on: if one ate 10,000 Twinkies, he or she would be considered “legally insane” in the state of Georgia (or California, or Texas, or…). This later rumor was obviously a riff on the old “seven hits of acid makes you insane” urban legend. But where did the story come from in the first place? Why Twinkies? And did it have any basis in fact?


Actually, the story was born out of a great tragedy.

Daniel James White was born in Los Angeles on September 2, 1946. The second of nine children, he was expelled from Riordan High School for violent behavior in his junior year. He subsequently transferred to Woodrow Wilson High School, where he graduated as valedictorian. After a stint in Vietnam in the Army, White worked as a security guard at a school in Anchorage for a couple of years. He then moved to San Francisco and became a police officer. For reasons that aren’t entirely clear, he quit the SFPD after squealing on a fellow officer who beat a handcuffed black suspect.

White transferred to the San Francisco Fire Department, where he became a hero after rescuing a woman and her baby from the seventh floor of a burning apartment building. White used this fame to get elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors (San Francisco has a unified city-county government, so a “supervisor’ is the equivalent of a city councilman and county commissioner). Although a Democrat, White was pretty conservative, and often defended his mostly white, middle-class district against what he called “homosexuals, pot smokers and cynics”.

Continue reading “RIGHTING THE WRONGS: The “Twinkie Defense””

Top 10 Tunes

Here are my Top 10 songs for the week, courtesy of the good people at

1) Lana del Rey – “Video Games”
2) Ambra Red – “Killer Princess”
3) Marsheaux – “Stand By”
4) Marsheaux – “Summer”
5) Blouse – “Videotapes”
6) Ambra Red – “She’s a Model”
7) Ambra Red – “Game Over”
8) Marsheaux – “The Promise”
9) The Sound of Arrows – “Into the Clouds”
10) Ambra Red – “It’s Just A Dream”


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-08

  • Go Giants… Beat the Cowgurls! #
  • How 'bout them Dawgs! #
  • @lastfm My fav album of 2011 is Washed Out's "Within and Without". It's just BEAUTIFUL and celebrates youth without being melancholy.(more) #
  • @lastfm It's like an Ubran Outfitters catalog come to life, and I mean that in the best way possible! #
  • Just watched the new ep. of #Sherlock – amazing as usual! Didn't know Lara Pulver was in it… RAWR! #
  • LeBron James got engaged! At least ONE of them has a ring now! #
  • Last night I dreamt I was dating Tina Fey. She was really cool, and I got to hang out at the SNL and "30 Rock" sets. #
  • Bear Bryant was once asked to contribute $10 to help pay for a sportswriter’s funeral. Per the legend, he said, “Here’s a twenty, bury two.” #
  • Jeez – at least GT showed up for their bowl… what's your excuse, Climpson? #
  • Finally watched #TreasureIsland with P. Glenister, D. Mays, Eiljah Wood and Rupert P-J. Really good, if broad interpretation! #
  • @ired33 Been a fan of yours since you first put on a Steeler uniform. Now's your time, man. Take it! #
  • "Big Shrimpin"? Someone at the History Channel has a sense of humor! #
  • Update: Steelers Running Backs Coach Kirby Wilson Is In A Medically Induced Coma #
  • Get well soon, Kirby Wilson! #
  • @catdeeley NITPICK: it's Little Five Points, or L5P. Five Points is a different place! Love ya! – Jim #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-01

  • Merry Christmas everybody!!! #
  • RT @ThePresObama: Next year I'm getting 100% of the black vote by putting "Jordan 11 Concords sold here" on all the voting booths. #
  • My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Marsheaux (138), Washed Out (21) & Katy Perry (9) #
  • @informedblackmn Huh? No one ever thought the earth was flat! #
  • @Probowler53 Congrats in going 2 for 2! You really deserved it, man! 🙂 #
  • "Be that as it may, Alex, those people have never been in my kitchen." #
  • Man, Canadian Club is HARSH. #
  • @alisonbrie HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your lovely and talented self! 🙂 #
  • @lastfm Asobi Seksu! #bestofLastfm #
  • Baylor ran up 245 yards of offense… IN THE FIRST QUARTER? Jeez – buy some defense, guys! #
  • @VMUcare Is there anywhere online I can report a drop zone to Sprint? I can't get ANY service in my hometown, even voice. #
  • @VMUcare I get no service in downtown Belmont, NC. I have never had service there (voice or data), but didn't think to mention it (more) #
  • @VMUcare until now 'cos I was with a Sprint HTC friend and he also has no service. This is only downtown, the rest of the city is OK. #
  • @VMUcare The map says "Best" voice coverage there. I get "Looking for service", as does my Sprint friend. I don't think it's a VMU issue. #
  • Just for the record, the manager of the Gastonia @BedBathNBeyond ROCKS! Thanks for the help today! 🙂 #
  • @DaleMurphy3 Boooo! GO JACKETS! 🙂 #
  • Goooooooo Jackets! #
  • Happy New Year, ya'll! #
  • @MorganFogarty Happy New Year to you, too! #
  • @Wallace17_daKid Happy New Year to you, too! #
  • @jharrison9292 Happy New Year to you too! Win tomorrow! #
  • @BrooklynDecker Happy New Year to you, too! #
  • @DuleHill Happy New Year to you too! #
  • @bkeisel99 Happy New Year to you too! #
  • @helloross Happy New Year to you too! #
  • My AWESOME friends Ashley & Regis got me a #MidwoodSmokehouse t-shirt! And Denise got me a bottle of Canadian Club! #friendsrock #
  • RT @thatDJSpider: Two hours into 2012 and *still* no flying cars?! #gypped #
  • Thanks #NFL You wait until week 17 to give me 4 crappy games on Sunday afternoon! NYJMIA? KCDEN? CARNO? TB/ATL? Zzzzzzzzz. #

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My Top Podcasts of 2011

OK, I’ve looked at my favorite albums of the year and my favorite TV shows of the year… so why not take a look at my favorite podcasts?

Unlike the album list (which was restricted to albums released in 2011) and the TV list (which was restricted to new TV shows that debuted in 2011), the podcast category is simply all the shows that I enjoyed listening to this year. They’re also ranked, but don’t put too much stock in the rankings. Some podcasts are for learning, others are strictly for entertainment, so my rankings could vary day-to-day depending on my mood.

And so… the list!

#5: This Week with Larry Miller – You know how Seinfeld was described as “a show about nothing”? Well, Larry’s podcast is pretty much like that, too. It’s just comedian Larry Miller talking about whatever crosses his mind that week. Sometimes it’s funny stories about his college days, or his early days as a stand-up comedian in New York City (there’s a great story about him working at Studio 54’s “haunted house” one year). Other times he talks about being on the road or his family life (there’s a long-running feature called “Hamper Update”, in which he discusses his attempts to get his wife to buy a new clothes hamper for the bathroom). This show isn’t always funny, but I like it because it comes from the heart. Larry is genuinely a great guy, and it comes through in his show. More info here.

#4: Judge John Hodgman – If you’re a nerd, you probably who know John Hodgeman is. If not, he’s Jason Schwartzman’s arch-rival Louis Green on Bored to Death. Or you might remember him as the “PC” from Apple’s “I’m a Mac” ads. In any case, Hodgeman has created a podcast where he creates a “People’s Court” style courtroom to decide the real issues that Americans care about. In one case, a friend asked another friend to record something on his DVR, then never came over to watch it. The friend asked Judge Hodgeman to either force the friend to come over and watch it, or give him his blessing to delete it after a few days. In another case, Hodgeman had to determine when it’s OK to crash at a friend’s house, and if age and\or financial status come in to play. It’s a funny podcast, and definitely worth a listen! More info here.

Continue reading “My Top Podcasts of 2011”