Wow! Just… wow! After last week’s less than stellar episode, this week’s Mad Men was just… amazing! So let’s get right to it, shall we?
“The Mountain King” begins at the Draper home. Betty yells at the children to clean up their mess. She then goes into Don’s office and endorses his paycheck (which is dated October 11, 1962). She goes to light a cigarette and finds something amiss. Betty gets up and quietly walks around the house… until she finds Sally sneaking a cigarette in the bathroom. Betty locks Sally in the closet as a punishment. Sally threatens to “tell daddy” when he comes home. Betty tells her that she is welcome to do so. From the other side of the locked door, Sally says that Don left “left because you’re stupid and mean”. Sally’s comment cuts Betty to the bone:

We next see Don getting off a bus in San Pedro, a small town around 25 miles south of Los Angeles.
Back at the agency, Ken and Sal sit with Peggy in her “office” trying to think of a way to sell Popsicles year-round. Ken complains about the noise and people constantly coming in and out (the Xerox machine is in Peggy’s office, remember?). Sal complains about the lack of “refreshments”, which causes Peggy to reach in her desk and pull out a bottle of Scotch. While Peggy pours, Sal says that his mom would buy him a Popsicle and break it in half, “like Jesus at the Last Supper”. This gives Peggy a flash of inspiration: everyone breaks Popsicles in half, and that is something you can do year ’round. She compares it to Communion, saying that the breaking of a Popsicle is a Christian behavior, if not a Christian action. Peggy says “and let me tell you something, the Catholic Church knows how to sell things”.
We next see Pete, who is walking back to his office. He asks his secretary Hildy if there are any messages. She says that Burt Peterson called with a question about an expense report… oh, and that Trudy has gotten them an appointment at Spence-Chapin, an adoption agency. Hildy then gives a brief speech about how wonderful it is that Pete’s adopting an unwanted baby. Pete, with clenched jaw, thanks her for the messages.
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