Ashes to Ashes: Season 3, Episode 8

Can it really be the end? After four years of brilliant television, will we finally find out who Gene Hunt really is, what really happened to Sam Tyler, and if or when Alex will ever get home? Will we find out once and for all what the Life On Mars\Ashes to Ashes universe is all about? Let’s put the tissues away and fire up the Quattro for the last time and find out!

The finale of Ashes to Ashes begins with Alex having a dream. She’s on It’s a Knockout, and Molly cheers her on from the sidelines. Alex finds the epaulet numbers, only to have an evil (oversized, rubber) Gene Hunt start to hunt her down. Alex appears to wake up from the dream, but we can still hear Molly telling her to wake up because “he’s coming”. Alex looks over and sees a familiar face knocking on the glass of Gene’s office:


Back in the dream, the oversized Hunt continues to bear down on her when a gunshot rings out. Dead Cop appears and falls to the ground, as does costumed Alex. Molly continues to tell her mother to get up, and Alex removes the suit whilst saying that she must know the truth. Costumed Gene finally catches up to her, and just as Alex turns to him… the lights come on in the office. Alex has been asleep at her desk the entire time. She looks at the photograph of the farm, which has been curled up in her hand. She simply says “Today, Gene”.

Continue reading “Ashes to Ashes: Season 3, Episode 8”

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-06

  • @terrinh73 SWEET! #
  • @terrinh73 Ah yes… Black Bike Week (sadly, BBW is taken). Lisa got several "BBW" sleep shirts for 99¢ last time! in reply to terrinh73 #
  • @terrinh73 You need to hit the breakfast buffet at Mammy's (or Tar Baby's, but that's in NMB). in reply to terrinh73 #
  • Heading out to G-town to try the new SPICY Chick-fil-A sandwich! Will report back later! #
  • Sweaty from running thru downtown CLT – this MSFT gig better be worth it! #
  • Dear Perhaps you've heard of this FREE Facebook thing all the cool kids are using these days? #
  • Thanks for the fun evening, Marcia and Allen! 🙂 #

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FRIDAY FUN: 70s Cop Show Intros

Does the phrase “a Quinn Martin Production” mean anything to you? If it does, that means you probably watched a lot of cop or detective shows in the 1970s. I know I did!

I was surfing a message board last night and saw a thread where someone posted the trailer for the upcoming Hawaii Five-O remake (my take: it looks more like the A-Team than the show I remember). But seeing that made me go to YouTube to find the intro to the original show:

Now see, that kicks ass! And of course, YouTube being what it is, there was a link to other “related videos” that I had to check out… including:

S.W.A.T. – this show kicked all kinds of ass, and has one of the best theme songs ever. I don’t know if this show pioneered “freeze frame credits” (you know, where an actor jumps through a window, and the screen freezes just at the most dramatic moment and his name is displayed), but I always think of this when I see a newer show parodying it:

Streets of San Francisco – Ya know, I think this is a very well done intro. I think if you updated the film stock and changed the music, it’d be hard to tell that it was shot in 1972. And it’s funny to see Michael Douglas as a “lowly” TV actor, too. But what really kicks in this intro is the theme… it makes me want to buy a 1973 Cadillac and drive around the mean streets:

Continue reading “FRIDAY FUN: 70s Cop Show Intros”

Ashes to Ashes: the definitive playlist (final)

Here’s the final list of all the songs heard on the BBC series Ashes to Ashes, including season 3, the show’s last.

Season 1

Episode 1

Ultravox – “Vienna”
The Clash – “I Fought the Law”
Tubeway Army – “Are Friends Electric?”
The Stranglers – “No More Heroes”
David Bowie – “Ashes to Ashes”
The Passions – “I’m In Love With A German Film Star”
Duran Duran – “Hungry Like the Wolf”
Duran Duran – “Careless Memories”
Roxy Music – “Same Old Scene”

Episode 2

Tenpole Tudor – “Swords of a Thousand Men”
Madness – “The Prince”
Imagination – “Body Talk”
The Flying Lizards – “Money”
Visage – “Fade to Grey”
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark – “Souvenir”
Dexy’s Midnight Runners – “Geno”
The Pop Group – “We Are All Prostitutes”
Heaven 17 – “Fascist Groove Thang”
Jon and Vangelis – “I Hear You Now”
Dexy’s Midnight Runners – “Show Me”
Chas and Dave – “Gertcha”

Continue reading “Ashes to Ashes: the definitive playlist (final)”

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-30

  • I liked #lostfinale better when it was called #ashestoashes Like it or not, the Brits did it better. #
  • Last line from the LOST finale: "…and I would've got away with it if it wasn't for those pesky kids!" #
  • @Beadlush I'm sure BoA is trying everything they can to come up with new ways to screw you over! in reply to Beadlush #
  • OMG! Aldi now has jaffa cakes! *LOVE!* #
  • Art Linkletter died? Holy crap – you mean he didn't die 30 years ago?!?!? #
  • "When it comes down to making out, whenever possible, put on side 1 of Led Zeppelin IV." #
  • Downloading movies isn't a crime… unless it's a Uwe Boll movie, in which case you should get the death penalty. #
  • R.I.P. Gary Coleman #
  • Of course: "Pelosi blames Bush administration for BP oil spill" #
  • @terrinh73 HELL YEAH, MYRTLE BEACH! Be sure to hit the Gay Dolphin for me! in reply to terrinh73 #

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Ashes to Ashes: Season 3, Episode 7

Episode 7 opens at Viv’s funeral. As the crowd sings “Abide with Me”, the curtain is drawn to allow Viv’s body to enter the crematoria… only it gets stuck. The gang look at each other, and finally Gene puts his hymnal down and walks up to the curtain to pull it shut. Gene apologizes to Viv, while Chris and Ray snicker and find the whole thing amusing. Gene notices.

We then see the gang at Luigi’s, where they have a few drinks and share memories in Viv’s honor. But then Chris spills a beer whilst trying to open it, and this sets Gene off:


He hurls his glass at the wall and tears into Chris, saying that he’s lost one of his finest officers and is now left with a “clumsy bastard” like Chris. Gene then asks for Alex, who is back at her desk at the station. Jim walks up to her and says that another good officer is gone. Jim says that if you find a dead officer, you’ll find Gene Hunt standing over him. Alex, not in the mood for Jim’s talk, says that she has work to do. Jim says that she’s lucky, as Gene’s bullet didn’t kill her. Alex insists that it was an accident.

Jim notices that Alex was looking at a photograph, so he walks over and asks who the man in the picture is. She says that it’s the ghost who has been haunting her. He asks where she found the picture, and she says it was in Gene’s office. Jim laughs, calls Gene slippery and says that he’s good in covering his tracks. Alex says that Gene is clean. Jim picks up the roll of film Alex found with the photograph at the end of the last episode and asks about it. Alex says that she’s going to get it developed, but Jim insists that he can get it developed at D&C.  He then says that he and Alex are the same, but she says that the difference between them is that she doesn’t wish for cops to be bad. Jim tells her to “do what you were put here to do… get me Gene Hunt”.

Continue reading “Ashes to Ashes: Season 3, Episode 7”

Weird Tuesday

– Well, the Lost finale sucked… and not just because of the crappy writing. Entertainment Weekly reports that the finale had 107 commercials, or over 45 minutes worth! A typical hour long show normally has 18-20 commercials per, but the first hour of Lost had 37!

– A dude buys a used paragliding rig for £300 off eBay. He then decides to take it out with no training whatsoever. What could possibly go wrong? Find out.

– European mobile phone operators have suspended the number 0888 888 888 after a string of mysterious deaths connected with it. In fact, every single person who has had that number for the past ten years has died under mysterious circumstances.

– Speaking of spooky, the Amityville Horror house is up for sale. It can be yours for a cool $1.15m.

– Guess what? Not only might sunscreen not prevent skin cancer, it might actually accelerate it! Awesome! Read more here.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-23

  • Yeah, it's like that. #
  • @pokercar Yep… the Wipeout Girl! (just got back from vaca, BTW) in reply to pokercar #
  • @pokercar You're welcome. Glad you enjoy the recaps! Starting on Ep 7 tomorrow before the finale, which will break my heart. in reply to pokercar #
  • Funny thing about the pro-life billboards in Knoxville: all the babies are white. I guess brown people can abort all they want! #
  • It's fitting that London's Olympic mascots have giant CCTV cameras for eyes! #
  • has downloaded the series finale of "Ashes to Ashes" and turned his computer into a no-spoiler zone. Be back in a few hours! #
  • @BarCough THANK YOU so much for the memories and fun times you created with #ashestoashes Wonderful series, amazing finale! #
  • @Kcj100 THANK YOU SO MUCH for the memories and fun times you created with #ashestoashes Keeley! Wonderful series, amazing finale! #
  • @Deanoandrews THANK YOU SO MUCH for the memories and fun times you created with #ashestoashes Dean! Amazing finale – I'll miss Ray! #
  • @TheRailwayArms Amazing finale! I'll miss #ashestoashes but what a great way to go out! #
  • Thought I'd cry, but A2A finale was brilliant! "I'm arresting you for murdering my car, you dyke-digging toss-pot!" might be best Hunt line! #
  • R.I.P. Ashes to Ashes: "We can be heroes… just for one day" #
  • is on a road to nowhere… #

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Some people will do anything…

Almost everyone who grew up in the 80s knows that there were two versions of Duran Duran’s “Girls on Film” video.

The “original” (uncensored) version, based on the extended remix of the song, features women having pillow fights, pouring champagne on their lingeried bodies, and other titillating scenes. This version was intended to air on adult video channels and on video screens at nightclubs.

The “edited” version of the video, which used the shorter single mix, is basically the same video, but with the more objectionable bits – like nipples showing through lingerie and topless scenes  – cut out. This version was intended to air on MTV and other mainstream music video outlets like Friday Night Videos.

Not everyone knows that there was a third version of the video. This one is almost identical to the original, except that the mud wrestling scene at the end is slightly shorter and at the very end the band hold up a banner that says “Some People Will Do Anything To Sell Records”:


The reason I bring all this up is that I finally received my “Deluxe Edition” of Duran Duran’s first album yesterday (see it at Amazon here). It’s a three disc set: the first disc includes a remastered version of the album with all the B-sides from that era; the second disc contains a bunch of demos and early live versions of the songs from the album; and the third disc is a DVD which contains “live” performances from Top of the Pops, Old Grey Whistle Test, Multi-Coloured Swap Shop as well as all the music videos from that era.

Well, most of them. For some reason, the third version of the “Girls on Film” video is absent. Don’t get me wrong: I love that the two main version of “Girls” are included, as well as “Careless Memories”, “Night Boat”, and both versions of the “Planet Earth” video… including the rarely-seen “Club Version” filmed at the Rum Runner, the Birmingham nightclub where Duran Duran got their start:

But why couldn’t they have included the third version of “Girls on Film”?? As a completest, this drives me insane! Although all the videos look pretty good, it’s not like there wasn’t space enough for it on the disc. I guess it’s just EMI continuing to screw Duran Duran, even after all these years! Here I was, hoping to finally get rid of the crusty old MPEG file of the third version, and now I’ll have to keep it until EMI just decides to give up and release everything on DVD.