Don’t Copy That Floppy!

Here’s the classic anti-piracy video Don’t Copy That Floppy, complete with awful 1992-era computer graphics and the cheesy Old School rap of “MC Double Def DP” (who appears to be blissfully unaware of the double entendre that “DP” would obtain in the Internet generation):


I’ve seen this a hundred times in my day, and I still laugh out loud every time I see it. Sure, you can make fun of the old computers and cheesy effects and music… but what really makes me giggle is how hard the producers are trying to be “hip”, even though this style of rap went out of fashion in 1985… that, and how silly “copyright protection” comes across in a public service announcement. Sure, we get “don’t beat your kids” or “stay off of drugs”, but “respect the intellectual property rights of copyright holder, yo!” just makes me giggle!

Facebook Chat: Now with XMPP

Facebook is the most popular social network out there. Unfortunately the chat client included on the site kind of sucks… or at least it did, until yesterday. That’s when Facebook enabled support for XMPP, an Open Source instant messaging protocol. So if you use a multi-protocol chat client like Pidgin, Adium, iChat, or Digsby you can now have Facebook chats within your instant messaging client (or, if you use Digsby, you can use the far more stable XMPP instead of Digsby’s hacked-together interpretation of Facebook’s own protocol).

How do you get in on the love? Just download and install Pidgin or Digsby (or, if you’re a Mac retard, use a Mac compatible XMPP client). Then go to this page on Facebook’s site, which has full instructions, complete with screen caps.

If you’re already rocking an XMPP client, all you need to do is add an XMPP account, and then enter the following details:

Username: [your Facebook user name]
Jabber ID: [Facebook user name]
Password: [your Facebook password]
Port: 5222
Use SSL/TLS: no
Allow Plaintext Authentication: no

A quick word: your “Facebook user name” is the name that appears in the URL of your Facebook profile, not the email address you use to log in. If you’re unsure what your user name might be, just click here and then click on “Other” under “Connect your Client” and Facebook will helpfully tell you what it is.

C of E “recognizes” ACNA

Big news… or maybe not. The Church of England is meeting in Synod, and has adopted the following resolution:

That this Synod, aware of the distress caused by recent divisions within the Anglican churches of the United States of America and Canada,

“(a) recognise and affirm the desire of those who have formed the Anglican Church in North America to remain within the Anglican family;

(b) acknowledge that this aspiration, in respect both of relations with the Church of England and membership of the Anglican Communion, raises issues which the relevant authorities of each need to explore further; and

(c) invite the Archbishops to report further to the Synod in 2011.”

At first glance, it appears to be big news: the Church of England “recognizes” the Anglican Church of North America!

On further reading, this isn’t as awesome as it might appear. The Synod voted down a stronger worded resolution the day before, and this resolution says nothing about recognizing the ACNA as an actual province of the Anglican communion. It simply says that it “recognizes” that there are “Anglicans” in the United States and Canada that wish to remain members of the “Anglican family”, which, as someone else said, is a “nearly infinite source of nuance”.

And then there’s the old “explore further” chestnut, which means that in sometime in 2011 a vaguely-worded report may or may not be released that may or may not say anything of consequence by a committee that may or may not have a backbone (given the truly awe-inspiring power of Anglican committees, I’ll let the reader guess what I think the outcome will be. In all likelihood, such a report will, much like the verbal gymnastics of the Archbishop of Canterbury himself, amount to exactly nothing. Dozens of pages of fluff designed to not ruffle the (multicolored) feathers of the Episcopal Church*, while at the same time throwing a meager bone to Orthodox Anglicans in North America… and pleasing no one… especially the 95% of Anglicans in the rest of the world who don’t live in England or North America.

Read more about it here.

* – (multicolored) feathers? Confused? See this:

Pointy Hat Club

A Sad Day

Phil HarrisI’m sad… because Phil Harris, captain of the fishing vessel Cornelia Marie on the Discovery Channel’s popular show Deadliest Catch, has passed away. He was 53.

As I reported last week, Harris had just brought his ship into port to offload a catch when he fell victim to a stroke. Although he showed signs of improvement last week, he nevertheless passed away yesterday. I was initially a fan of Sig, a rival captain on the show. But Phil’s preternatural ability to find crab, his gruff (but lovable) personality, he cigarette-affected voice and laugh, and the tough love he showed his sons Jake and Josh (also fishermen on the show) quickly won me over. When I first read of his passing, I almost shed a genuine tear. You will be missed, Phil!

Rest in peace, brother!

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-07

  • Anyone else think it's cool that Jesus said "love your enemies", not "don't have enemies"?? #
  • Not that I really care, but… Go AFC!!! #
  • This weather sucks… #
  • Dear Apple: RIM, Palm, Plaxo, Google and dozens of other companies make software that syncs with Outlook without crashing it. Take note. #
  • "The seediest dive on the wharf, populated with every reject and cut-throat from Bombay to Calcutta. It was worse than Detroit." #
  • Hey Americans… each of us are now $6,000 deeper in debt! THANKS CONGRESS! #

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Yep – this is real:

Neck Stab

The woman, 22 year-old Julia Popova, was stabbed during a mugging in the Russian capital of Moscow. Amazingly, the knife missed her spinal cord and any major arteries. Popova walked home without even knowing anything was wrong… until her parents saw the knife sticking in her neck! It’s thought that Popova spent ten days in the hospital and made a full recovery.

The TOTALLY Random Stuff post

– A 15-year-old girl from the African nation of Lesotho who did not have a functioning vagina nevertheless became pregnant after having oral sex. Yeah, it’s complicated. Apparently she performed oral sex on someone and was shortly thereafter stabbed in a bar fight. The knife pieced her stomach in two places, and doctors surmise that the sperm spilled into her guts and somehow made its way to her fallopian tubes.

– A 24 year-old British woman was carded when trying to buy a slice of quiche from a Tesco grocery store. The cashier claimed that the “ID check” was triggered by the computerized cash register; the chain claims that the quiche was never on their “restricted items” list.  So – stupid and\or angry cashier, or computer glitch at the home office? You decide.

– Speaking of British stupidity, the Brown government now wants to ban “logos, images and graphics” from cigarette packs, create “Smoke Free Communities” where people would be banned from smoking in their own cars and homes, and have the Thought Police helpful government ministers chat about the “dangers” of secondhand smoke with parents who smoke.

– Is stupidity generic? Australia has not only upheld its ban on cartoon child porn, but the government of South Australia also attempted to ban anonymous political speech on the Internet. A law would have required anyone posting political content during an election season to include their real name and address, or face a fine of up to AUS$1250. Most frightening? The law would only apply to bloggers and commenters, and not to “online journals” (i.e. the websites of “real” magazines and newspapers). When Internet users revolted, the government backed down. The funniest thing about this story? That South Australia’s Attorney General, Michael Atkinson, went on the radio and confidently declared that an Internet poster named “Aaron Fornarino of West Croydon” was a fictitious person made up by an opposition party. A couple of days after Atkinson’s declaration, Aaron Fornarino was found to be a genuine human being… who lives 500 meters (1640 feet) from Atkinson’s office.

– Fans of the canceled show Reaper might want to check out this article, in which the show’s creators talk about how the show would have ended.

– A guy is in the frozen foods aisle of his local grocery store. He spots a Healthy Choice frozen dinner, which has a promotional offer giving 1000 frequent flier miles for every ten Healthy Choice UPC codes collected. The frozen dinner is $2, so the deal isn’t that great… but a few aisles over he spots some Healthy Choice soup for 90¢ a can. He fills his cart with cans of soup. He then visits a discount store looking for more cans of soup. There, he finds Healthy Choice pudding cups for only 25¢ each. The man buys every pudding cup he can find at all ten stores in his area. He even has a store manager order two pallets of pudding for him. Soon, he was 12,150 pudding cups. The man enlists a food bank and the Salvation Army to help him open the pudding cups for their UPC codes. He mails all the UPC codes to Healthy Choice. He soon begins receiving envelope after envelope of frequent filer coupons. The man eventually ends up with 1,253,000 frequent filer miles. The man gets lifetime Gold Status on American Airlines, and gets enough frequent flier miles for “31 round-trip coach tickets to Europe, or 42 tickets to Hawaii, or 21 tickets to Australia, or 50 tickets anywhere in the US”. The man paid $3,150 for the pudding, but got an $815 tax write-off for donating it to the food bank. The bottom line: each ticket to Europe set him back $75. And it’s all true.

Abuse, detailed

The funny thing about The Episcopal Church is that the more “inclusive” it becomes, the more orthodox Anglicans are literally kicked out of the church.

Well, the American Anglican Council has tracked all of the abuses by the current leadership of TEC and condensed them down into one easily-readable paper. You can read their press release about the paper here and the paper itself here (PDF).

The paper is very well done, and it clearly and concisely explains the pain that orthodox Anglicans are feeling under the “reign of terror” of the current TEC “leadership”.

If you’re new to this whole “Episcopal Church tearing itself apart” thing, or if you’ve heard about it but don’t know much in the way of detail, then this paper is an excellent resource for getting caught up.