I never thought I’d see the day…

A proposed initiative has passed validation and will be included on the ballot in California this November:

California voters will decide whether to legalize recreational marijuana use for adults, after the secretary of state on Wednesday certified the initiative for the November ballot.

It would become the first state to legalize recreational marijuana use if the proposition is approved. Marijuana use is legal for medicinal purposes in California and 14 other states, but the drug is illegal under federal law.

Secretary of State Debra Bowen certified that the petitions seeking to place the question on the ballot had more than 433,971 valid voter signatures, the minimum number needed to qualify.

After all these years, could it really be happening?

Read more here.

Who IS that guy?

It seems that a lot of people want to know who this guy is:

Creepy Guy 01

He’s known as “Harold” and he’s popped up in thousands of Internet ads. But he doesn’t freak me out nearly as much as this guy:

Creepy Guy 02

Let’s face it… “Harold” is supposed to look creepy. He’s got the hair and the beard… it’s obvious to me that he wants to look like a wild mountain man. Which makes me think that some genius marketing guy found Harold’s mugshot somewhere and thought it would make for great viral advertising (and if so, a tip of the hat to you, sir!).

But just look at the second guy. At first glance, he looks pretty normal. Maybe he’s some guy from an IT services ad or something. But then you take another look and see his circa 1985 glasses, the weird, Cro-Magnon jaw and the photoshopped smile, and… well, it’s just creepy. Not as creepy as the clown doll in Poltergeist… but close. Very close.

Trivia Follow-Up

Here are a couple of items I meant to post on Monday, but forgot:

– Alfred Hitchcock’s 1929 film Blackmail is generally considered the first British film with sound. However, Hitchcock had already started filming the movie when the decision was made to add sound to it. Hitchcock had chosen Polish\Czech actress Anny Ondra as the female lead because film was originally supposed to be silent. However, now that sound was added, Anny’s thick accent would make her unconvincing as an English woman. Since recasting the lead and starting over from scratch was too expensive, and since sound could not be edited later on at that time, Hitchcock had Ondra mouth the words while English actress Joan Berry spoke into a microphone off camera. Here’s a picture of the filming:

Hitchcock BlackmailHitchcock (with headphones on) listens to Berry read lines as Ondra mouths them and a cameraman records it.

– There’s an interesting story behind the creation of Curious George.

– Play-Doh was originally created as a wallpaper cleaner.

Monday’s Trivia Hootenanny!

– There are no rats in Alberta, Canada. Well, I’m sure there are a few, but for fifty years the Alberta government has worked hard to keep rat populations at bay. Here’s a brief write-up about the province’s rat eradication program on the official Alberta government website, and here’s a Wiki map showing the lack of rats in Alberta.

– It’s tempting to think of some foods as always existing, but the truth is that many of our favorite foods are extremely recent. Granny Smith apples, for example, didn’t exist until 1868 and first went on sale in the United States in 1972. Hass avacados weren’t bred until 1926, when full-time mail man and part-time horticulturist Rudolph Hass grafted seedlings from random avocado seeds (even scraps from restaurants!) onto Fuerte trees, then the predominant avocado strain. Hass’ original avocado tree, located at 430 West Road, La Habra Heights, California, survived until September 11, 2002 when it was cut down due to root rot.

– Roger Ebert likes black women. Back in the 80s, friends set him up on a blind date with a local talk show host. The date was a “genteel bust”, but Ebert did convince the woman to syndicate her show. Thus, thanks to Roger Ebert, everyone in America knows the name Oprah Winfrey.

– Duran Duran’s song “Sound of Thunder” is based on a Ray Bradbury short story of (almost) the same name: “A Sound of Thunder”. The story, set in 2055, concerns a hunter named Eckles who contracts with a company called Time Safari to go back in time to shoot a Tyrannosaurus Rex. One condition of his time travel is that Eckles cannot step off a path that Time Safari has created, as any subtle changes caused by time travelers might impact the future. Although Eckles is initially excited about the safari, he loses his cool when he sees the dinosaur, and so he runs off the path, crushing a butterfly in the process. When he comes back to present time, he finds that the world has changed. The song’s lyrics “I’m the man who stepped off the path” show that LeBon is supposed to be Eckles in the song. Read more about it here.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-21

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The first trailer for the final series of Ashes to Ashes has been released… and I’m so excited I almost weed on myself!


Monday Afternoon Randomness

– In my opinion, Ben Roethlisberger should be benched until all his legal issues are sorted out. When Andrea McNulty, the first accuser, went public, I was willing to give Ben the benefit of the doubt. McNulty, after all, seemed less than stable mentally. But this second woman seems perfectly normal, and has done everything “by the book”. So, in my humble opinion, it’s time for Dennis Dixon to start until Ben decides to be a decent human being.

– Speaking of “decent human beings”, Troy Polamalu is the anti-Ben.

– From Texts From Last Night: “(813): So let me get this straight. You would sleep with an uncircumcised guy whose name you didn’t know, but you won’t try the new shrimp taco from taco bell?

– During World War II, Red Cross regulations required the Germans to allow “games and pastimes” to be passed to Allied POWs in prison camps. The British convinced Waddington, Ltd. (the UK licensee of the Monopoly board game) to create some “special editions” that had “low-profile compasses, files, and maps” embedded into the game board. POWs could then tear open the board, remove the items and escape. Waddington, Ltd. was chosen by the British government because the company had perfected a method to print on silk, and silk escape maps don’t wear out, turn to mush in the rain, can be compressed into a tiny size, and (most importantly) don’t make any noise when opening or folding. The company, who made the games in a secret room at company headquarters using only a handful of highly-trusted employees, also included German, Italian and Austrian money mixed in with the game’s play money. Although some have estimated that a third of all POW escapees used the “Monopoly kits”, the exact number is actually unknown. Read more here.

– Joseph Casias, a Michigan man, was fired from his job at Walmart… for using medical marijuana. The company did this despite the fact that medical marijuana is legal in Michigan and that Casias had a valid prescription for the drug. Way to treat a five year employee with cancer and a brain tumor, Walmart!

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-14

  • How come there are *NO* Shamrock Shakes in the entire state of North Carolina? #
  • has the BEST GIRLFRIEND in the whole world! 🙂 #
  • @aidamollenkamp Sorry to hear about your puppies! 🙁 in reply to aidamollenkamp #
  • No love for Farrah at this year’s “In Momoriam”? #
  • @terrinh73 Agreed about the JH tribute. Almost made me tear up. Almost. in reply to terrinh73 #
  • @heyred704 I am! 🙂 in reply to heyred704 #
  • @heyred704 @calman3000 THANKS FOR THE BIRTHDAY CARD, GUYS! 🙂 #
  • Movie Gallery in Bmont is closing – all DVDs are $3.98! Got “Buy The Ticket Take The Ride” tonight! SCORE! #
  • R.I.P. Corey Haim #
  • doesn’t know who to cheer for at the hockey game tomorrow: his adopted home town, or his actual birth county! #
  • R.I.P. Merlin Olsen. You will be missed by me (football fan) and the missus (a LHOTP fan)! #
  • Why am I reading about Client Access Licenses on my birthday? #
  • The wisdom of dads: “Pull for Charlotte in the first period, Gwinnett in the second period, and no one in the third period.” #
  • Wow! Thanks to EVERYONE for the avalanche of birthday wishes! You guys are the bestest bunch of friends a guy could ever hope for! #
  • Whew! Just whittled my inbox down from 1591 unread messages to 381 unread messages. Progress! #
  • @AnglophileA Pic of the rereleased DD album: http://tinyurl.com/yjlrlus Ordered mine tonight! #
  • “If you like to gamble, I tell you I’m your man…” #

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