Archbishop Duncan writes a letter

Archbishop Duncan has written an open letter to the Anglican Communion. Read it all here (seriously, read it now). Here’s just one glorious excerpt:

There are times in the history of God’s people when the prevailing values and behaviors of those then in control of rival cities symbolizes a choice to be made by all of God’s people. For Anglicans such a moment has certainly arrived. The cities symbolizing the present choice are Bedford, Texas, and Anaheim, California. In the last month, the contrasting behaviors and values of the religious leaders who met in these two small cities made each a symbol of Anglicanism’s inescapable choice.

God bless you, Archbishop Duncan!

Thanks to Stand Firm for the tip!

Scotch Eggs

Scotch EggScotch eggs are a dish that always looked interesting to me. Unfortunately, I’ve never seen them on a restaurant menu anywhere.

This week I went to the grocery store for a couple of items I needed for dinner. As luck would have it, my local Bi-Lo had a “buy one get one free” deal on breakfast sausage, and I knew that we had a pack of 18 eggs at home. I decided to go for it!

Below is the recipe I used. Let me know what you think!


4-6 hardboiled eggs
1 lb. sausage
2 Tbs. flour
1 egg, beaten
Bread crumbs


1 large pot
2 medium bowls
1 fork or whisk
Several paper plates
A deep fryer, or equivalent

1) Carefully put the eggs in the pot and cover with around 1″ of water. Bring to a boil and cook for approximately 15 minutes.

2) While the eggs are cooking, put the sausage in one of the bowls. Add the flour and mix thoroughly into the sausage (if you’d like to add additional spices to the sausage, this would be the time to do so).

Continue reading “Scotch Eggs”

Episcopalian Idiocy

If you wonder why I consider myself “Anglican” and not “Episcopalian”, look no further than this idiotic post from Dan Thomas Edwards, Bishop of Nevada. Normally quoting a single line from a long post is a sign of weakness on behalf of the quoter. It smacks of taking something out of context, much like how commercials for bad movies only have single word quotes from movie reviews. But this one small quote is all you really need:

The journalists are exclusively interested in our actions dealing with the inclusion of partnered gay and lesbian couples in the life of the Church. We passed two such resolutions. I voted for both of them. Some of you may think we went too far. Others may think we did not go far enough. That is perfectly ok. As Episcopalians, we are free to hold different beliefs about issues of doctrine. [emphasis mine]

No, good sir, we are not. Doctrine is fundamental – that’s why they call it doctrine. I believe the word the good bishop should have used is “adiaphora”, which is something “not regarded as essential to faith, but nevertheless as permissible for Christians or allowed in church” (Wiki). That the bishop of Nevada could be so wrong about something so basic is just mind numbing… or at least it should be. Nothing TEC does surprises me any more.

REVIEW: Guinness 250th Stout

Guinness_250_01On December 31, 1759, Arthur Guinness signed a  9000 year lease for an abandoned brewery in Dublin at the rate of £45 per year. That was the beginning of the now-massive Guinness brand, and it was all headquartered at the St. James Gate brewery, now one of Ireland’s most popular tourist destinations.

To celebrate the 250th anniversary of the signing of that lease, Guinness has released a special version of their namesake stout in the US, Australia and Singapore. The brew, which will only be available for a limited time, should be available at stores everywhere.

So… how is it? Honestly, it’s a bit disappointing. I expected something… big, something unusual from such a momentous event. In the end, all I got was a stout that tasted something like “Guinness Lite”. It’s significantly lighter than regular Guinness, and whatever “bitter” flavor that normally exists in the stout has been cut down significantly. Oh, and it totally lacks the creamy head that Guinness is known for! (see pic below)

Continue reading “REVIEW: Guinness 250th Stout”

Quote of the Day

“Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience”.

– C.S. Lewis

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-07-19

  • Awesome Silverlight demo: #
  • There's only one word that can sum this up: Restupidiculame. #
  • I love Ars Technica! Q: What can Lotus Notes do that Outlook cannot? A: Drive me into a murderous rage! #
  • Awesome! A giant unpatched hole in Firefox: #
  • Thanks, creepy Indian man at Belmont Cleaners! #
  • Yaaaa! DHS 20-year reunion on 10/24/2009! I'll be there! #
  • At first I thought about running 5 miles today… but then I ate a plate of pancakes instead. #
  • I'm just going to have to take an afternoon and teach my phone's T9 all the "dirty words". Doing them as needed is getting old! #

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Hotel Babylon: Season 4, Episode 4

Hotel Babylon
Season 4, episode 4
Aired: July 17, 2009 on BBC1



In this episode, Tony meets his doppelgänger in the form of American author Bobby Mack. The two end up trading places for the day, with Tony enjoying a steak dinner from room service then having a book reading and Q&A session, while Bobby tries his hand at being a concierge.

There is also a Texas Hold ‘Em tournament taking place in the hotel that afternoon, and one of the players – Emily’s father, hotel tycoon Damien Rushby – will be there. Lastly, shipping magnate Arianna Adams is scheduled to stay at Babylon, but the staff aren’t too worried – she normally books several rooms at different London hotels during her stay, and she’s booked and paid for a room at Babylon (but never actually stayed there) for three years now.

The staff normally would have Ms Adams’ truffles and saffron gin on hand, but they stopped bothering to carry them after she continually booked rooms but never actually stayed in the hotel. So when she does show up, James and Geno have to scramble to find them. Coming up empty, James doctors some more common mushrooms, hoping they’ll pass for the rare truffles. Geno takes some regular gin and adds a red dye, hoping that the color will mimic the saffron-infused gin. When Adams’ teeth turn red from the dye, she goes on the warpath, and the only thing that can save Babylon’s reputation is Bobby (acting as Tony acting as Bobby), who talks to her about his books. As luck would have it, Mack is Adams’ favorite author, and this is why she’s staying at Babylon in the first place.

Continue reading “Hotel Babylon: Season 4, Episode 4”

40 Years Ago…

It was 40 years ago today that man landed on the moon Ted Kennedy drove his car off Dyke Bridge and crashed into Poucha Pond on Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts. Campaign worker Mary Jo Kopechne drowned in the crash, and Kennedy ruined his chances in the 1972 presidential election by his evasive answers to questions about the incident.


God bless, Mary Jo!

What now, Rowan?

First, a brief history lesson: the Church of England was created when King Henry VIII split the Church in England away from the Roman Catholic Church. It’s important to understand that Henry only wanted to get rid of the rule of the pope and the College of Cardinals when he created this “new” church. So while he wanted to get rid of the church’s “foreign” leadership, he didn’t want to change much about the church’s theology or organization.

When Henry died, his son Edward VI took over, and during this time the Church of England became much more Protestant. But then Edward died, and Bloody Mary took over, and the Church of England rejoined the Catholic Church. But then Mary’s sister, Elizabeth, became Queen and the Church of England finally settled somewhere between Catholicism and Protestantism.

Around this time, the Age of Exploration took off, and soon English people were traveling the world, opening trading routes in some places, and making colonies in others. And of course, they brought the Church of England with them. Over the next two centuries, most of these colonies would get their independence and the English would go home… but the Church stayed, and so what had been the “Church of England in America” became the “Episcopal Church”, the “Church of England in Canada” became the “Anglican Church of Canada” and so on.

These churches are collectively known as the “Anglican Communion”. And for decades, they all existed happily with each other. Towards the end of the 1960s, however, the Episcopal Church in the United States (TEC) has become progressively more and more liberal. In 2003, TEC nominated Gene Robinson, a practicing homosexual, as Bishop of New Hampshire. And this created a giant mess for the Anglican Communion.

Although each national church is independent of the others and can act in (almost) any way it sees fit, the consecration of Gene Robinson alienated most of the Global South, the staunchly conservative members of the Anglican Communion in Africa and Asia. And this is a problem because the Global South constitutes a large majority of the Anglican Communion. Where TEC has less than 2 million members, the Church of Nigeria has 40 million… and they’re not happy with TEC.

Continue reading “What now, Rowan?”