If you use Microsoft Outlook, you can use the following download to add the Pittsburgh Steelers 2007 schedule to your Outlook calendar! All you’ve gotta do so is:
- Download the file to your desktop and unzip.
- Open Outlook and select “File” > “Import and Export” > “Import from another program or file”, then click “Next”.
- Choose “Comma Separated Values (Windows)”, then click “Next”.
- Use the “Browse” button on the next screen to select the Steelers_2007.CSV file you just unzipped.
- On the next screen make sure to select “Calendar” as the destination then click “Next” and “Finish”… That’s it!
The jimcofer.com “Pittsburgh Steelers 2007 Schedule For Outlook” is compatible with Microsoft Outlook 98 or later. It contains all pre-season and regular season Steelers games as well as the network airing the game. All times in the Steelers Calendar are for the Eastern (USA) time zone. A reminder is scheduled for 8:00PM the day before each game; if you wish to disable the reminders, open the CSV file in Excel and change the value of “reminder on/off” (column G) to FALSE for each game BEFORE you import the Calendar into Outlook. Fans of other (lesser) teams can also download the file and use it as a template to create a schedule for their favorite teams using any version of Microsoft Excel.
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